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Whats Included
Combines the Ovid Clinical EDGE Advantage general medicine content collection with over 35 additional LWW reference books for an expansive packages of over 100 titles. Available via the Ovid Discovery Lite interface!
Extend your Ovid Clinical EDGE content selection even further with this comprehensive package of authoritative reference texts spanning disciplines beyond General Medicine, including: Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, Hematology and Oncology, Cardiology, Infectious Disease, and more. Titles include those in the Washington Manual Subspecialty Consult series. In addition to core textbooks, the collection includes access to 2-year segments (the most recent two years) of articles from 11 Current Opinion journals, which present reviews of the latest research in Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics, and other therapeutic areas.
Why Ovid Discovery Lite?
A single-search portal including the clinically relevant resources selected from the web-scale Ovid Discovery Index—not just those to which your institutions subscribes!A-Z browse for your included Ovid content Linkout service, to subscribed third-party full-text collections, and open access full text Medical type-ahead for search Auto spell correction Multi-lingual interface including the option of MeSH concepts query expansion Default search setting to limit search results to subscribed Full Text, with the ability to toggle easily between results with full text and all the search results 600+ medical calculators from EBMcalc Personal space for bookmarks, saved searches, and journal alerts My CME option to obtain credits for research work Ovid Clinical EDGE Search widget for implementation on intranet, etc. Optimized for desktop or mobile device access Quick Search filters with ranked subject terms, publishers, publication names, dates, and more Full-text indexing of all Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) content Automatic integration with other products from Wolters Kluwer health (if subscribed) such as UpToDate, Lippincott Advisor, Lippincott Procedures and more
All Ovid Clinical EDGE subscriptions are provided with dual access on OvidDS-Lite, and on the traditional Ovid platform. This includes Ovid MEDLINE, A-Z Drug Facts, and all Journal and book subscriptions included in the Clinical EDGE package. Implementation, customization, and maintenance support by Ovid’s award-winning Customer Support team.
Extend your Ovid Clinical EDGE content selection even further with this comprehensive package of authoritative reference texts spanning disciplines beyond General Medicine, including: Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, Hematology and Oncology, Cardiology, Infectious Disease, and more. Titles include those in the Washington Manual Subspecialty Consult series. In addition to core textbooks, the collection includes access to 2-year segments (the most recent two years) of articles from 11 Current Opinion journals, which present reviews of the latest research in Cardiology, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Pediatrics, and other therapeutic areas.
Why Ovid Discovery Lite?
A single-search portal including the clinically relevant resources selected from the web-scale Ovid Discovery Index—not just those to which your institutions subscribes!
All Ovid Clinical EDGE subscriptions are provided with dual access on OvidDS-Lite, and on the traditional Ovid platform. This includes Ovid MEDLINE, A-Z Drug Facts, and all Journal and book subscriptions included in the Clinical EDGE package. Implementation, customization, and maintenance support by Ovid’s award-winning Customer Support team.
- Product Type:
- Collection
- Specialty:
- Multidisciplinary Subjects
- Language:
- English
- 5-Minute Clinical Consult 2025
- 5-Minute Pediatric Consult, The
- A to Z Drug Facts
- Algorithmic Diagnosis of Symptoms and Signs: A Cost-Effective Approach
- ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine
- AWHONN's Perinatal Nursing
- Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Easy!
- Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials
- Clinical Guide to Gluten-Related Disorders, A
- Clinical Sleep Disorders
- Cloherty and Stark’s Manual of Neonatal Care
- Concise Neurology
- Danforth's Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Designing Clinical Research
- DeVita, Hellman & Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology
- Diabetes Management in Primary Care
- Differential Diagnosis and Treatment in Primary Care
- Duane's Ophthalmology
- Essential Guide to Primary Care Procedures, The
- Evidence-Based Cardiology
- Fundamentals of Pain Medicine: How to Diagnose and Treat your Patients
- Fundamentals of Sleep Technology
- Genital Dermatology Manual
- Glass' Office Gynecology
- Goodheart’s Same-Site Differential Diagnosis: Dermatology for the Primary Health Care Provider
- Goodheart's Photoguide to Common Skin Disorders: Diagnosis and Management
- Grossman & Baim's Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography, and Intervention
- Handbook of Clinical Anesthesia
- Handbook of Dialysis
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice
- Hensley's Practical Approach to Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
- Hospital for Special Surgery Orthopaedics Manual
- Hyatt's Interpretation of Pulmonary Function Tests: A Practical Guide
- ICU Book, The
- Imaging for Surgical Disease
- Irwin & Rippe's Manual of Intensive Care Medicine
- Kaplan & Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry
- Lippincott's Primary Care Dermatology
- Lippincott's Primary Care Musculoskeletal Radiology
- Lippincott's Primary Care Orthopaedics
- Lippincott's Primary Care Rheumatology
- Manual of Allergy and Immunology
- Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine
- Manual of Clinical Problems in Pulmonary Medicine
- Manual of Dermatologic Therapeutics
- Manual of Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Manual of Gastroenterology: Diagnosis and Therapy
- Manual of Nephrology
- Manual of Nutritional Therapeutics
- Manual of Orthopaedics
- Medication Interest Model, The: How to Talk With Patients About Their Medications
- Merritt's Neurology
- Michigan Manual of Plastic Surgery
- Mills and Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology
- Modern Epidemiology
- Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
- Nutrition in Clinical Practice
- Oncology in Primary Care
- Only EKG Book You'll Ever Need, The
- Orbital Surgery: A Conceptual Approach
- Oski's Pediatrics: Principles and Practice
- Ovid Discovery Service-Lite
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Cardiology 2 Year Rolling coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes & Obesity 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Hematology 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Nephrology & Hypertension 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Obstetrics & Gynecology 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Oncology 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Pediatrics 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- OvidMD Current Opinion in Rheumatology 2 Year Rolling Coverage
- Patterson's Allergic Diseases
- Pediatric Nursing Procedures
- Photographic Atlas of Pediatric Disorders and Diagnosis
- Pleural Diseases
- Practical Guide to Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion & Topical Products, A
- Practical Guide to Dermal Filler Procedures, A
- Practical Guide to Joint & Soft Tissue Injections, A
- Primary Care Medicine: Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient
- Principles and Practice of Palliative Care and Supportive Oncology
- Publishing and Presenting Clinical Research
- Radiology 101: The Basics and Fundamentals of Imaging
- Resolving Ethical Dilemmas: A Guide for Clinicians
- Rockwood and Wilkins' Fractures in Children
- Rosen & Barkin's 5-Minute Emergency Medicine Consult
- Rosen's Breast Pathology
- Sapira's Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis
- Sauer's Manual of Skin Diseases
- Schrier's Diseases of the Kidney
- Scott-Conner & Dawson: Essential Operative Techniques and Anatomy
- Small's Practical Guide to Botulinum Toxin Procedures
- Surgical Anatomy Around the Orbit: The System of Zones
- Systematic Reviews to Answer Health Care Questions
- Taylor's Differential Diagnosis Manual: Symptoms and Signs in the Time-Limited Encounter
- Taylor's Manual of Family Medicine
- Text-Atlas of Obstetric Dermatology
- Wallach's Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests: Pathways to Arriving at a Clinical Diagnosis
- Washington Manual Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Subspecialty Consult, The
- Washington Manual Cardiology Subspecialty Consult, The
- Washington Manual Endocrinology Subspecialty Consult
- Washington Manual Hematology and Oncology Subspecialty Consult
- Washington Manual Infectious Diseases Subspecialty Consult
- Washington Manual Internship Survival Guide, The
- Washington Manual of Critical Care, The
- Washington Manual of Gastroenterology Subspecialty Consult
- Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, The
- Washington Manual of Outpatient Internal Medicine, The
- Washington Manual of Pediatrics, The
- Washington Manual Pulmonary Medicine Subspecialty Consult, The
- Washington Manual Rheumatology Subspecialty Consult
- Washington Manual, The: General Internal Medicine Consult
- Washington Manual, The: Nephrology Subspecialty Consult
- Werner & Ingbar's The Thyroid: A Fundamental and Clinical Text
- Wintrobe's Clinical Hematology
- Zuckerman Parker Handbook of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics for Primary Care