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Atlas of Airway Management: Techniques and Tools
- Publication Year:
- 2011
- Edition:
- 2nd
- Author:
- Orebaugh, Steven L., MD; Bigeleisen, Paul E., MD
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-45-110339-7
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Readers will discover a clinically focused, abundantly illustrated guide to relevant anatomy, as well as the latest tools and proven techniques in the field.
Successful airway management demands strict attention to anatomic detail and the ability to tailor management strategies to each patient’s illness and presentation.
The second edition of this respected resource presents an improved and enlarged text—along with new sections on pediatric applications, bronchoscopy, special airway considerations in the emergency room and the ICU, and post-intubation care issues. Coverage of new and emerging techniques includes material on noninvasive ventilation and high-frequency jet ventilation.
Successful airway management demands strict attention to anatomic detail and the ability to tailor management strategies to each patient’s illness and presentation.
The second edition of this respected resource presents an improved and enlarged text—along with new sections on pediatric applications, bronchoscopy, special airway considerations in the emergency room and the ICU, and post-intubation care issues. Coverage of new and emerging techniques includes material on noninvasive ventilation and high-frequency jet ventilation.
- Clinical orientation of the text emphasizes practical approaches over theory.
- Concise presentation and abundant lists make key facts easy to find and retain.
- Lavishly illustrated design includes high-quality color photographs and drawings to help readers better identify key anatomic features.
- Step-by-step ""how-to"" approach delivers practical procedural guidance.
- Coverage of the latest tools and techniques embraces the fields of anesthesiology, critical care, pediatric critical care, and emergency medicine.
- Improved and enlarged illustration program facilitates visual learning
- Co-editor, Paul Bigeleisen, brings his expertise in anesthesiology to the text.
- New chapters address airway management solutions for patients with obstructive sleep apnea and morbid obesity, as well as airway issues for gynecologic patients.
- A new section addresses surgical situations requiring specialized airway management.
- Updated information on the latest tools addresses devices such as the Glidescope and other video-type laryngoscopes.
- Companion website includes the complete and fully searchable text.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Orebaugh, Steven L., MD; Bigeleisen, Paul E., MD
- 978-1-45-110339-7
- Specialty:
- Anesthesiology
- Critical Care Medicine
- Emergency Medical Technology
- Emergency Medicine & Trauma
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 2nd
- Pages:
- 432
- Publication Year:
- 2011
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