Salud23 enero, 2024

OIG investigations: How your risk adjustment team can improve compliance

Watch this on-demand webinar on improving risk adjustment compliance and preparing for OIG audits. Learn about avoidable coding errors, financial impacts, and available tools to avoid penalties.

As noted by the Inspector General to RISE National attendees, the OIG is prioritizing fighting “fraud, waste, and abuse,” and Medicare Advantage plans need to make compliance a top priority. As of August 2023, OIG audits for the year had identified approximately $377 million in risk adjustment overpayments based on inaccurate coding.

In this on-demand webinar, “OIG Investigations! How Technology Can Help Your Team Survive the Inevitable Audit,” our risk adjustment experts cover everything related to OIG audits and ways your organization can make sure you're ready when you’re selected.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • Who exactly is the OIG, why are they auditing health plans, and why you should be paying attention
  • Latest findings of avoidable coding errors and their financial impacts
  • How to strategically prepare your risk adjustment team to handle any regulatory audit
  • What tools and technology are available to help you avoid errors and penalties

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