Finanza e Gestione02 maggio, 2017

Demo di 2 min: Pianificazione Finanziaria

Scopri come CCH Tagetik può espandere il processo di pianificazione ben oltre la pianificazione P&L standard dando la possibilità di gestire anche la pianificazione patrimoniale e finanziaria. Tramite un semplice click, gli utenti possono trasformare le loro spese di budget in capitale circolante e poi valutare l’impatto che questo ha sui flussi di cassa, sia diretti che indiretti, in pochi secondi.

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As part of CCH Tagetik's planning capabilities, while users plan for their P&L monthly budget, CCH Tagetik will automatically translate it into projected balance sheetand right away show the impact on projected cash flow.

Now, let's take a look.

Whether it's on the expense or the revenue side, as for this example,however you arrive at your P&L level projections, leveraging driver based modeling or simply price times quantity calculation,just choose what portion of your revenues you want to focus on, whether it's all or a particular product, customer, or vendor how would you choose to break out your revenues and with a single click I can access the CCH Tagetik's built-in cash flow planning engine, where my P&L line for this particular product, is represented with the dotted line.

Now, all I have to do is choose my billing and credit terms from the drop-down menu, which could be by a monthly or perhaps quarterly billing and for my days sales outstanding, I will choose not 40 but60 days.

Now, as soon as I save these assumptions, I can have CCH Tagetik model out exactly when my account receivables are going to be hit, helping me project my working capital and when, 60 days later, I'm actually going to get my cash in.Of course besides the graphical representation, I can also take a look at the tabular view, where I see the monthly values for my P&L line,my balance sheet impact, as well as my cash flow impact.Of course to make sure that perfect balance between my P&L, my projected balance sheet and projected cash flow, CCH Tagetik uses double-entry accounting logicand you can always view all that accounting entries that the system performs automatically as part of CCH Tagetik's built-in financial logic.
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