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Diabetes Care
- Editors:
- Riddle, Matthew C., MD
- Publisher:
- American Diabetes Association
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 14.8 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
- 0149-5992
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An official publication of the Amerian Diabetes Association (ADA), this journal is for the health care practitioner and is intended to increase knowledge, stimulate research, and promote better management of people with diabetes.
The journal publishes original research on human studies in the following categories: Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/Psychosocial Research, Epidemiology/Health Services Research,Emerging Treatments and Technologies, Pathophysiology/Complications, and Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk.
The journal also publishes ADA statements, consensus reports, clinically relevant review articles, letters to the editor, and health/medical news or points of view. Topics covered are of interest to clinically oriented physicians, researchers, epidemiologists, psychologists, diabetes educators, and other health professionals.
The journal publishes original research on human studies in the following categories: Clinical Care/Education/Nutrition/Psychosocial Research, Epidemiology/Health Services Research,Emerging Treatments and Technologies, Pathophysiology/Complications, and Cardiovascular and Metabolic Risk.
The journal also publishes ADA statements, consensus reports, clinically relevant review articles, letters to the editor, and health/medical news or points of view. Topics covered are of interest to clinically oriented physicians, researchers, epidemiologists, psychologists, diabetes educators, and other health professionals.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- American Diabetes Association
- Product Type:
- Journal
- Author:
- Riddle, Matthew C., MD
- 0149-5992
- Specialty:
- Diabetes
- Endocrinology & Metabolism
- Health Professions
- Internal Medicine
- Language:
- English
- Update Frequency:
- Monthly
- Coverage:
- Vol 18 #1 (1995) - present
- Pdf Coverage:
- Vol 18 #1 (1995) - present
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 14.8 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
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- Journal of Surgical Oncology
- Liver Transplantation
- Neurology Clinical Practice
- Orthopaedic Nursing
- Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy
- Quality Management in Healthcare
- Rehabilitation Nursing
- Topics in Clinical Nutrition
- Topics in Language Disorders
- Washington Manual of Critical Care