ORCID 0000-0002-3161-9397
Professor, a PhD and postdoctoral degree holder, lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Lazarski University, Director of the Legislative Process Research Center. Born on July 20th, 1972. In 1991–1996, studied law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. As of February 17th, 1997, employed as an assistant at the Social Home Rule Section of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, and afterwards - after the organizational transformation of the unit - at the Department of Local Self-Government Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. From October 1st, 2003 until September 30th, 2006, employed at the same organizational unit as an assistant professor.
On October 21st, 2002, by the resolution of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, he was awarded a PhD degree in legal sciences on the basis of a PhD dissertation entitled “Annulment of a Resolution of a Commune Body by a Voivode”.
On November 14th, 2005, by the resolution of the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University, he was awarded a postdoctoral degree in legal sciences, specialization: administrative law, on the basis of a published postdoctoral dissertation entitled ”Provision of Services by the Local Self-Government in Poland. Legal and Structural Considerations” (Warsaw 2005, pp. 396).
By the decision of January 29th, 2018, the President of the Republic of Poland awarded him the title of professor of legal sciences.
From July 1st, 2006 until January 31st, 2011, employed at the Jan Kochanowski University of Humanities and Natural Sciences in Kielce as an associate professor. At the Jan Kochanowski University he acted as Director of the Institute of Economics and Administration and Head of the Department of Administrative Law at the Faculty of Management and Administration.
From February 1st, 2011 until September 30th, 2018, the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow remained his primary employer, where he filled the role of professor and headed the Department of Theory of Law and Research on Material Sources of Law.
As of October 1st, 2018, employed at the Lazarski University in Warsaw, where he heads the Legislative Process Research Center.
The main object of his scientific research remains to be the theory of law (in particular the issue of material sources of law), theory of economics (new institutional economics, in particular the theories of institutional change), the role of public authorities in the economy, administrative law, and local self-government law in Poland. He has participated in several dozen scientific conferences; author of over 140 scientific papers and over 40 other publications; supervisor of 3 PhD dissertations.
Publications (2016-2018)
1. A. Ząbkowicz, M. Miszewski, P. Chmielnicki, S. Czech (ed.), Zrozumieć kapitalizm. Podejście ewolucyjno-instytucjonalne, Kraków 2018, ss. 331.
2. P. Chmielnicki, Preferencje i reprezentacje interesów w procesie legislacyjnym: dysfunkcja kompletu normatywnego na przykładzie pewnej ustawy [in:] A. Ząbkowicz, M. Miszewski, P. Chmielnicki, S. Czech (ed.), Zrozumieć kapitalizm. Podejście ewolucyjno-instytucjonalne, s. 311–324, Kraków 2018.
3. P. Chmielnicki, J. Paśnik, Rozpoznanie treści instytucji jako warunek sine qua non oceny ich skutków [in:] A. Ząbkowicz, M. Miszewski, P. Chmielnicki, S. Czech (ed.), Zrozumieć kapitalizm. Podejście ewolucyjno-instytucjonalne, s. 151–174, Kraków 2018.
4. P. Chmielnicki, Sankcje prawne w nowym ujęciu. Cele poznawcze, definicja, kryteria klasyfikacji, „Przegląd Prawa Publicznego” 2017, nr 1, s. 154–182.
5. P. Chmielnicki, P. Stec, A. Bednarczyk-Płachta, M. Bendorf-Bundorf, L. Bielecki, J. Dobkowski, Sz. Kisiel, E. Kozerska, P. Malinowski, M. Mariański, D. Mucha, S. Nitecki, J. Paśnik, E. Pierzchała, P. Ruczkowski, T. Scheffler, P. Sobotko, T. Szewc, Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym. Komentarz, red. P. Chmielnicki, P. Stec, LEX/el. 2017.
6. P. Chmielnicki, Postępowanie akredytacyjne w szkolnictwie wyższym [in:] Szkolnictwo wyższe w Polsce. Ustrój. Prawo. Organizacja, praca zbiorowa, red. S. Waltoś, A. Rozmus, Warszawa 2016.
7. P. Chmielnicki, Instytucje jako zbiór rozwiązań, których treść wymaga badania [in:] Nowa ekonomia instytucjonalna a nauki o zarządzaniu, praca zbiorowa, red. S. Rudolf, Gdańsk 2016.
8. P. Chmielnicki, Społeczno-gospodarcze determinanty schematu działania obejmującego tworzenie rad nadzorczych w spółkach” [in:] Rady nadzorcze. Wykładnia przepisów i efekty ich stosowania, praca zbiorowa, red. A. Szplit, Warszawa 2016.
9. P. Chmielnicki, Komplet normatywny. Pojęcie, Komplet normatywny. Aktorzy, Komplet normatywny. Efekt rezonansowy, Zmiana instytucjonalna jako efekt zmian w kompletach normatywnych, Okrężna przyczynowość pogłębiania się złożoności porządku instytucjonalnego [in:] Leksykon społecznej gospodarki rynkowej, praca zbiorowa, red. J. Famielec, A. Szplit, Kielce 2016.
10. P. Chmielnicki, Reduction of entrepreneurial risk as the purpose of legislative initiatives: research results, współautorzy: E. Inglot-Brzęk, I. Styn, „Studia Prawa Publicznego” 2016/1.