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Guideline Adaptation: Conducting Systematic, Exhaustive, and Reproducible Searches
- Publication Year:
- 2014
- Edition:
- 1st Ed.
- Author:
- Ross-White, Amanda; Oakley, Patricia; Lockwood, Craig
- 978-1-49-630806-1
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This book will detail how to develop clinical practice guidelines and complete systematic, exhaustive searches that are reproducible and can be used in gudeline adapation.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Ross-White, Amanda; Oakley, Patricia; Lockwood, Craig
- 978-1-49-630806-1
- Specialty:
- Evidence-Based Medicine
- Multidisciplinary Subjects
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1st Ed.
- Pages:
- 56
- Publication Year:
- 2014
- Biomedical Safety & Standards
- Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
- JCR: Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
- Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology
- Journal of Clinical Engineering
- Journal of Glaucoma
- Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics B
- Journal of Psychiatric Practice
- Journal of Public Health Management and Practice
- Neurologist, The
- Neurology Clinical Practice
- Nurse Practitioner, The
- Nursing Management
- Nutrition Today
- Obstetric Anesthesia Digest
- Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (journal)
- Quality Management in Healthcare
- Reviews and Research in Medical Microbiology
- Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review
- Survey of Anesthesiology
- Synthesizing Economic Evidence
- Synthesizing Evidence from Narrative, Text and Opinion
- Synthesizing Evidence of Diagnostic Accuracy
- Synthesizing Evidence of Risk
- Synthesizing Qualitative Evidence
- Synthesizing Quantitative Evidence
- Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery
- Topics in Clinical Nutrition
- Topics in Language Disorders
- Translation Science and the JBI Model of Evidence-Based Healthcare