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Grabb's Encyclopedia of Flaps: Upper Extremities, Torso, Pelvis, and Lower Extremities
- Publication Year:
- 2015
- Edition:
- 4th
- Author:
- Strauch, Berish; Vasconez, Luis O.; Herman, Charles K.; Lee, Bernard T.
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 978-1-45-119461-6
Also Recommended
The thoroughly revised fourth edition features an all-new, full-color format that greatly enhances its visual appeal and usefulness in your everyday practice.
Dozens of internationally recognized experts describe every clinical proven flap option available for repairing both routine and unusual problems, lavishly illustrated with clinical photographs and diagrams of anatomy, blood supply, flap design, and operative procedures.
Extensively indexed and organized by anatomic region, chapters follow a logical format that clearly presents all the information you need to know: indications, anatomy, flap design and dimensions, operative technique, clincal results, and summary. This comprehensive, clinically relevant information allows you to select the best flaps for safe, predictable, and aesthetically desirable results for every patient.
Dozens of internationally recognized experts describe every clinical proven flap option available for repairing both routine and unusual problems, lavishly illustrated with clinical photographs and diagrams of anatomy, blood supply, flap design, and operative procedures.
Extensively indexed and organized by anatomic region, chapters follow a logical format that clearly presents all the information you need to know: indications, anatomy, flap design and dimensions, operative technique, clincal results, and summary. This comprehensive, clinically relevant information allows you to select the best flaps for safe, predictable, and aesthetically desirable results for every patient.
- The most current, complete, and relevant reference available to date in the fast-changing field of plastic and reconstructive surgery.
- A new full-color design throughout, with redrawn illustrations, color figures, and vibrant clinical photographs, enhances the clinical usefulness of the text.
- Twenty-five new chapters in Volume 2 cover recent developments in the field, including, fat grafting for breast reconstruction revision and split gluteal muscle flap for autoprosthesis buttock augmentation.
- Updated content on innovative perforator flaps that have led to more versatile flap designs in nearly all areas of the body, with the added benefit of limiting donor site morbidity and expanded applications of “propeller” flaps.
- New information on vascularized lymph node flap transfer and new neurotized and composite flaps for multiple anatomic locations, including the hand.
- Chapters on less commonly used flaps moved online to preserve the encyclopedic scope of the reference, yet also maintain a manageable size in the print edition.
- Clinically useful editorial comments throughout that reflect the four editors’ more than 100 years of collective experience.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- Strauch, Berish; Vasconez, Luis O.; Herman, Charles K.; Lee, Bernard T.
- 978-1-45-119461-6
- Specialty:
- Anatomy
- Surgery
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 4th
- Pages:
- 1676
- Publication Year:
- 2015
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