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Legislative updates

Senate Bill 244, effective July 1, 2023, amends the general corporation code regarding, among other things, the use of electronic transmissions and signatures, emergency bylaws, indemnification, stock certificates, business combinations, mergers, appraisal rights, dissolution, revival, and amends the provisions regarding the contents of annual reports for various entities.

House Bill 2391 (Laws of 2021) requires business entities to file a biennial business entity information report with the Secretary of State, instead of an annual report as is currently required. Although the bill provides for a January 1, 2023 implementation date, the Kansas legislature passed a budget proviso that delays implementation until January 1, 2024.

House Bill 2039 (Laws of 2019) amends sections of the LLC law, effective July 1, 2020, on such issues as series LLCs, cancellations, mergers and consolidations, and reinstatements.

Case summaries

Albers Finishing & Solutions, LLC v. RK Inc., Case No. 18-1225, decided 12/4/18. The US District Court, District of Kansas ruled that a Missouri corporation was not doing business in Kansas pursuant to Sec. 17-7932 of the Kansas corporation law where, pursuant to a contract consummated outside of Kansas, it manufactured equipment outside of Kansas which its employees installed in Kansas. The only activity that did not fall within the statute was the training of the buyer’s employees on the use of the equipment. However, within the facts of this case that activity did not constitute doing business.

Other notices

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