Financesnovembre 14, 2022

Découvrez comment Green Courte Partners est désormais capable de se focaliser sur leur business grâce à CCH Tagetik pour l'élaboration budgétaire, la planification et les prévisions.

Green Courte Partners peut rapidement traiter de grands volumes de données, avoir des prévisions plus précises et mieux prédire l'avenir qu'auparavant, avec la flexibilité de planifier à n'importe quel moment, grâce à CCH Tagetik.

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Green Courte Partners is a private equity found which owns several business lines. 

It is in the business of acquiring other businesses, with that comes the challenge of acquiring companies that are all on different, desperate systems and so it was very difficult for them to pull reports in Excel from four, five different systems in order to consolidate results. 

Everything was very manual and very prone to error, all of Green Courte Partners budgeting was down on Excel by 20, 30 different people for 120 properties. Version control was a big issue and a big challenge, locking down, calculations and drivers. 

With CCH Tagetik budgeting everything is so simple: you literally plug in the number, push a button and and run the report, so it's literally minutes versus an entire week. 

A lot more people being involved in the budgeting process, now more than 40 people are involved in the budgeting process by using 10, 15 different templates, that was not possible before. 

CCH Tagetik is very user-friendly, it looks and feels like Excel, so it's not intimidating to have to learn another system. 

Hear why Petia Rodewald, Vice President of Systems at Green Courte Partners selected CCH Tagetik for Budgeting and Planning.
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