It's no secret that one of the keys to increasing student engagement within the nursing curriculum is through active learning activities and strategies. Simply teaching the concepts to the students doesn't guarantee his or her understanding of each and every concept, but physical practicing, experiencing, and active engagement does!
As an educator, when you deploy active learning activities within your nursing classroom, you're able to teach to a variety of learners, including those who are visual learners, auditory learners, tactile learnings, and even those who have difficulty remaining seated. Not only that, but active learning mirrors clinical experience, thereby further preparing students to become nurses.
If you're looking to implement active learning activities or strategies within your classroom, or already have and are looking for new activities to utilize throughout the semester, look no further! Our handy infographic below highlights various activities to spur active learning in your nursing program, and you can learn more about concept-based curriculum in our whitepaper: