• What are MARC Records and why would I want them?

    A MARC record is a MAchine-Readable Cataloging record, providing a standard format for identifying elements of bibliographic data, such as Title, Publisher, Description, and Links to components. Basically, it's the modern-day equivalent of the cards in the card catalog of yesteryear. MARC Records are entered into cataloguing software so that end-users can search the online catalogue and be directed to a variety of resources within the collection that match their needs. Wolters Kluwer, L&RS (division) provides MARC records free of charge to Schools, Libraries and law firms.

    An example of a MARC record (text format) for Cheetah access to US Master Tax Guide.


  • How do I access complimentary MARC Records for Wolters Kluwer content?
    • Access Wolters Kluwer's MARC Records via this web page and the Chrome browser: MARC Records
    • On this page, choose "My MARC Records Manager.
  • What is MARC Records Manager?
    • MARC Records Manager is a complementary web solution that provides you access to just the MARC records that match the titles in your organization' s subscriptions.
    • Login with your WK User ID: if already logged in to a WK SSO-enabled product, you will automatically access these tools with current WK credentials. Please be patient, the login process can take several minutes to complete. If you have login issues, please contact customer support: [email protected] 1-800-955-5217
    • On the inventory screen, you will see a list of titles that you have purchased. By default the list is sorted in alpha order, by clicking on the column headers the list is resorted.
    • Select titles from your list, by checking the corresponding boxes on the left side of the screen. Then, click the download or e-mail button.
    • Receive email alerts when titles are updated, by selecting and saving the Alert Me check boxes.
  • Does Wolters Kluwer publish a MARC record for every title in my subscription?
    Wolters Kluwer generates MARC records for most titles, but not all. For examples records are not produced for archives, practice tools, indexes, and finding devices. That said, if you have purchased a title and desire a MARC record, contact customer support with the request and we will do our best to accommodate you. Contact Us at [email protected].com 1-800-955-5217 Support Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST
  • What is (My) Product Titles and Links (PTL)?

    It's a searchable listing of product titles available within user's subscription, viewable by Status, Record Title Name (aka Product Title), URL(s), Platform, Practice Area and Offer Name. User can click URL for direct access or select multiple records for Download/Email of items, with option to setup Alert for automatic email notification of changes to selected record(s). There is no option for obtaining the MARC Records.

  • How often are MARC records updated?
    MARC Records are updated with new MARC records & edits to existing records on a regular editorial cycle of every two months. The MARC Records Manager software is updated as necessary.
  • When titles are updated, do you keep the same control number?
    When a MARC record is updated, the control number is not changed. The date in the “Record Updated” column will reflect the new version.
  • Customer Support & Suggestions?
    CUSTOMER SUPPORT: We're Here to Help. Call us at 1-800-955-5217.
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