Improve Insurance Claims Processing with Easy Access to Compliance Information

NILS™ Claims makes compliance research easy. With more than 25,000 regulations affecting claims, compliance research can take hours to complete and drain valuable resources. NILS™ Claims is a web-based solution that makes it easy to find claims-specific requirements. Summaries of requirements provide insight into the impact on your business so you can quickly understand what needs to be done. NILS™ Claims has advanced API functionality that also allows for it to be embedded directly into your claims processing software.

What is NILS™ Claims?
NILS™ Claims is an online compliance tool that helps you minimize your compliance risks and process claims quickly. The application includes a claims regulatory database with more than 9,000 regulatory summaries as well as nearly 1,300 claims-related forms, including user instructions for compliant completion. It is available for Property & Casualty, Long-Term Care, and Medicare Supplement lines of business.

What Can NILS™ Claims Do for You?

Increase your compliance level NILS™

Claims makes it simple to find regulations that have the potential to impact compliance; it also provides easy-to-read summaries that increase understanding. As a result, you can easily understand the actions you need to take to be in compliance.

Save research time

You don’t have to spend countless hours researching regulations because we have already done the research for you. Our compliance experts have analyzed and categorized more than 25,000 regulations and requirements affecting claims, and written more than 9,000 summaries so you get to the answers you need quickly. Our powerful search engines and easy-to-use search screens enable you to quickly find information by jurisdiction, line of business, topic, and sub-topic.

Improve productivity throughout your claims department

Employees throughout your organization will spend less time finding answers to compliance questions and more time on their core functions. For example, because NILS™ Claims provides easy-to-use regulatory summaries of requirements, your legal staff won’t have to spend time conducting tedious research of everyday compliance questions. Additionally, operations staff will be able to quickly identify requirements, complete forms, and close claims faster.

Enhance communication of regulatory requirements throughout your organization

With NILS™ Claims, you can have confidence that all users in your organization are accessing the same claims regulatory information. The User Notes feature makes it quick and easy for compliance and management staff to communicate with users.

Keep staff informed of regulatory changes automatically

With the number of regulatory changes affecting claims requirements, staying on top of all of the changes is critical to maintaining compliance. NILS™ Claims automatically notifies users of changes in regulations with email alerts, so you know they are up-to-date on the latest requirements.

Powerful API flexibility

Flexible API functionality using HTTPS two-way encryption, allows users to easily integrate content into their systems and workflows. Two-way encryption provides a secure web protocol ensuring that your data is safe and secure when transmitted to and from our API and your claims management system

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