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These eOriginal, Inc. Master Terms and Conditions – Core Platform Services (the “T&Cs”) apply to Customer’s use of the Platform Services and any Services that are made the subject of an Order Form or Task Order. The Platform Services and other Services are provided by eOriginal, Inc. (“eOriginal“) and purchased by or licensed to Customer through execution of an Order Form with an authorized Reseller of the Platform Services. These T&Cs expressly supplement all terms and conditions of the Order Form with respect to the Services and may not be modified or amended except with the express written consent of eOriginal. These T&Cs shall govern the provision and receipt of all Services, Vaults and eDeposits of eOriginal ordered by Customer through Reseller.


1.1 “Affiliate” means, with respect to eOriginal or Customer, a parent company that controls, a subsidiary that is controlled by, or a related entity that is under common control with, such party.

1.2 “Agreement” means (i) these T&Cs, (ii) all effective Task Orders, and (iii) all addenda, externally referenced documents or information identified herein or in any effective Task Order, each of which is expressly incorporated herein by reference.

1.3 “API” means the application program interface provided by eOriginal, that permits access to certain Software functionality, and includes the API access keys, instructions for use, data structures and other relevant documentation for accessing, interfacing with and using such functionality of the Software. API access is licensed by Customer only through the purchase of Professional Services to enable and support integration via API.

1.4 “Applicable Law” means the laws, rules, regulations and orders that apply in light of the performance of obligations set forth herein.

1.5 “Audit / Vendor Assessment Services” means those Services which consist of eOriginal’s participation and/or cooperation in Customer’s data security, business continuity, disaster recovery, technology infrastructure, controls, or books and records review, audit and/or assessment, as included in the level of such Services, or any upgrade thereof, purchased in an Order Form (e.g., Basic, Standard or Premium). The Services included in the levels of Audit / Vendor Assessment Services are more fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto.

1.6 “Audit Trail” means the electronic record produced by the Software from metadata associated with a Document and representing the history of all Platform Services interactions with such Document from its initial upload into a Vault through the date an Authorized User requested to view the Audit Trail.

1.7 “Authorized Users” means those natural persons who are: (i) employees of Customer or a Customer Affiliate whom Customer registers to obtain access and use of one or more of Customer’s Vaults on the Platform Services, (ii) Personnel of Customer or a Customer Affiliate that Customer registers to obtain “read only” access to those of Customer’s Vaults configured with a Transaction Type permitting such access, and (iii) Personnel of Customer or a Customer Affiliate that Customer registers to obtain access and use of one or more of Customer’s Vaults configured with a Transaction Type permitting such access. Authorized Users may not include employees or representatives of direct competitors of eOriginal.

1.8 “Buyer” means an eAsset® Management Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer allowing Customer or a Customer Affiliate to receive Documents from a Vault provisioned for another customer of eOriginal, which Documents Customer or a Customer Affiliate has purchased from such other customer.

1.9 “Buyer (Purchaser Agmt)” means an eAsset® Management Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer, such Vault to receive Documents from another Vault provisioned for Customer or a Customer Affiliate, which Documents have been sold by Customer or the Customer Affiliate to an unrelated third party, and Customer or a Customer Affiliate shall act as servicer of the Documents for such unrelated third party after such sale. eOriginal requires that Customer establish a three party agreement (between Customer, eOriginal and the unrelated third party) to govern the management of Documents in such Vault.

1.10 “Confidential Information” means the specific terms and provisions of the Agreement, information contained in the Documents, Customer Data (as to Customer) customer lists, employee or Personnel information, user information and access credentials, financial and statistical information, pricing information, product and service development information, software, Software (as to eOriginal), systems, processes, formulae, inventions, discoveries, pending patent applications and patentable ideas, any other technical information or schema, any other non-public information regarding any aspect of the operations or corporate strategy of either eOriginal or Customer, regardless of the form of such information, information or data provided by third parties under nondisclosure agreement or other obligation of confidentiality, any information or data that is marked as confidential, and all other confidential, proprietary or trade secret information disclosed by or on behalf of either eOriginal, Reseller or Customer, or the representatives of any of them, in writing or otherwise, that should reasonably be understood to be confidential.

1.11 “Custodian” means an eAsset® Management Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer allowing Customer to receive Documents from another Vault provisioned for another customer of eOriginal where Customer is serving as a financial custodian on behalf of such customer or an affiliate of such customer, to take custody and control of such Documents. The Custodian Transaction Type does not include Transactions for which Customer is serving as its own financial custodian or as financial custodian for a Customer Affiliate, division, line of business or department.

1.12 “Customer” means the legal entity identified in an Order Form with Reseller as purchasing one or more Services, and/or ordering eDeposits and Vaults for use with one or more Services, each as indicated in such Order Form.

1.13 “Customer Data” means the content, Documents, materials, data and information that an Authorized User or Customer inputs, receives or uploads into the Production Environment of the Platform Services. Customer Data shall not include any component of the Software, the Services, any material provided by or on behalf of eOriginal, or any data or information uploaded onto the Test Environment or Preview Environment of the Platform Services.

1.14 “Data Security Addendum” means eOriginal’s data security and privacy obligations available at

1.15 “Document” means a single electronic file or record, in pdf format (or such other electronic format that eOriginal implements as a replacement for pdf), containing live data or information which may constitute or reflect a legal contract between two or more parties, or a notice, disclosure or other record.

1.16 “Documentation” means the then-current user manual, training manual, instructional or informational guide, and help system provided by eOriginal to Customer describing the functionality and proper use of the Software.

1.17 “eAsset® Management Transaction Type” means one of those Transaction Types known as Lender (ECCA), Lender (no ECCA), Buyer, Buyer (Purchaser Agmt), Custodian, Servicer, Service Provider, and Securitization/Syndication. eDeposits of the eAsset® Management Transaction Type are created in a Vault via receipt of transfer from another Vault using functionality of the Software.

1.18 “ECCA” means Electronic Collateral Control Agreement, a multiparty agreement between eOriginal, Customer and/or certain Customer Affiliates, and a third party with an interest in the Documents held in a Vault, such as a secured party or a trustee. An ECCA governs control and Authorized User access and management rights with respect to all Documents within a single Vault. Reseller is never party to an ECCA.

1.19 “eCore®” means the eOriginal proprietary vaulting and eDeposit management Software, the functionality of which consists of: Vault user authentication, session management and access control; Create eDeposits for receipt of Documents; Paper In® import of ink-signed documents, eDeposit management by Customer of Documents in Vaults consisting of view, edit, search, retrieve and print a copy of Documents; Certified Print® evidentiary package; Paper Out® export; destruction of Documents; transfer control/ownership of Documents between Vaults, TOLEC In upload of Documents from other vaulting platforms, and TOLEC Out transfer of Documents to other vaulting platforms. Certain functionality of eCore may require Professional Services to implement or may require the purchase of particular Transaction Types.

1.20 “eDeposit” means a virtual folder in a Vault accessed by Customer into which Customer may upload or receive one or more Documents, subject to the Transaction Type: (i) via the Integration, (ii) via the Paper In® functionality of the Software, or (iii) via transfer from other hosted customers of eOriginal or from other trusted electronic vaults. eDeposits are created by operation of the Software as more fully described in the particular Transaction Type, and may also be referred to herein or in any addendum as “Transactions”.

1.21 “eDeposit and eAsset® Management” means an Origination Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer allowing Customer or a Customer Affiliate to upload from a Customer or third-party system Documents for deposit into eDeposits in a Vault, such Documents having been executed using a third-party electronic signature system (such as Reseller’s).

1.22 “Excess Capacity Fees” means the Fees charged to Customer for each eDeposit utilized by Customer in excess of Customer’s Purchased Capacity of eDeposits purchased in an applicable Order Form.

1.23 “Fees” means, as applicable, all amounts due to (i) Reseller under all Order Forms with respect to Services, Vaults and eDeposits, and (ii) all amounts due to eOriginal under all Task Orders.

1.24 “Integration” means the API integration between any system or service of Reseller and a Vault on the Platform Services, enabled by the partnership between Reseller and eOriginal.

1.25 “Lender (ECCA)” means an eAsset® Management Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer allowing Customer or a Customer Affiliate to receive Documents from another Vault provisioned for Customer or a Customer Affiliate, pursuant to the terms of an ECCA, such Documents being subject to a security interest of a party to the ECCA.

1.26 “Lender (no ECCA)” means an eAsset® Management Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer allowing Customer or a Customer Affiliate to receive Documents from a Vault provisioned for a different eOriginal customer, such Documents being subject to a security interest of Customer or such Customer Affiliate.

1.27 “Order Form” means the separate written agreement executed by Customer and a Reseller that specifies the Services, Vaults and/or eDeposits ordered by Customer pursuant to these T&Cs to be provided by eOriginal.

1.28 “Order Start Date” means the date set forth in an Order Form on which an Order Form becomes effective, provision of Services shall begin and any eDeposits and Vaults purchased in such Order Form may be utilized. If no Order Start Date is stated in the Order Form, the Order Start Date shall be the date the last party executes the Order Form.

1.29 “Origination Transaction Type” means one of those Transaction Types known as eDeposit and eAsset® Management, TOLEC In, and Paper In. eDeposits of the Origination Transaction Type are created utilizing functionality of the Software to receive upload of Documents into such eDeposits in a Vault on the Platform Services from a computer system other than the Platform Services.

1.30 “Paper In®” means an Origination Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer allowing Customer or a Customer Affiliate to upload Documents into eDeposits, such Documents consisting of scanned copies of ink-signed paper original documents, whereby Customer’s electronic signature is applied to such Documents certifying as to the destruction or permanent marking of the ink-signed paper original documents.

1.31 “Per eDeposit Rate” means that amount, on a per eDeposit basis, designated in an Order Form to be paid for use of a given Transaction Type in connection with the Platform Services purchased in such Order Form.

1.32 “Personnel” means an agent, subcontractor or contractor of the Customer and eOriginal, and the employees of such agent, subcontractor or contractor.

1.33 “Platform Services” means eOriginal’s provision of access to the Customer of the Software via software-as-a-service at the level designated in an Order Form (i.e., Basic, Standard or Premium) and any upgrades to such level purchased in an Order Form or additions such as additional Vaults. The Services included in the levels of Platform Services are more fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto.

1.34 “Preview Environment” means that separate online, multi-tenant, single instance, hosted environment of the Platform Services designated by eOriginal for Customer access to preview and test the next upcoming Version of the Software before such Version is migrated onto the Production Environment. Customer shall not upload Customer Data or Documents onto the Preview Environment, but may upload test, nonproduction data and documents.

1.35 “Production Environment” means that separate, online, multi-tenant, single instance, hosted environment of the Platform Services designated by eOriginal for Customer access to receive, upload and manage live Documents and Customer Data.

1.36 “Professional Services” means those Services (other than the Platform Services, Support Services or Audit / Vendor Assessment Services) purchased by Customer in an Order Form or in a Task Order which enable, support, enhance or expand Customer’s use of the Platform Services.

1.37 “Purchased Capacity” means the total number of eDeposits of a given Transaction Type across all of Customer’s Vaults which Customer has purchased in one or more Order Forms for use over the Term to obtain the discounted Per eDeposit Rate applicable to such Transaction Type in such Order Form(s).

1.38 “Reseller” means the authorized reseller of the Platform Services having entered into the Order Form with Customer.

1.39 “Scope of Use” means the right granted to Customer in these T&Cs to utilize, and to allow its Authorized Users to access its provisioned Vaults on the Platform Services for any eDeposit containing Documents related to the use case forming the basis of the pricing set forth on the Order Form, provided however that such Documents are not related to residential real estate financing and related processes.

1.40 “Securitization/Syndication” means an eAsset® Management Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer allowing Customer or a Customer Affiliate to receive Documents from another Vault provisioned for Customer or a Customer Affiliate, for the purpose of taking control of and managing in such Vault Transactions containing Documents which have been securitized or subject to syndication.

1.41 “Service Level Addendum” means the committed levels of uptime and performance of the Software on the Production Environment of the Platform Services described at , as updated by eOriginal from time to time.

1.42 “Service Provider” means an eAsset® Management Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned on behalf of Customer, in which Vault Customer agrees to authorize a third party to manage eDeposits on behalf of Customer or a Customer Affiliate for some legal purpose (typically as a verification agent, collection agent or lawyer) other than as a servicer or financial custodian.

1.43 “Servicer” means an eAsset® Management Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned on behalf of Customer, in which Vault Customer agrees to authorize a third party to manage eDeposits on behalf of Customer or a Customer Affiliate as a servicer of Documents which are to be maintained in such Vault.

1.44 “Services” means all services identified in an Order Form or Task Order as purchased by Customer, which services are to be provided by eOriginal to Customer, including and not limited to the Platform Services and Professional Services.

1.45 “Software” means eOriginal’s proprietary software programs, and their related user interfaces, as well as all software operated by eOriginal to provide the Platform Services, and all and the patents, copyrights and other intellectual property rights related thereto, and all upgrades, modifications, adaptations, derivative works and enhancements to such property and materials. Software does not include functionality not purchased in an effective Order Form or Task Order or any new functionality which is separately priced by eOriginal unless Customer executes an additional or replacement Order Form and/or Task Order to license or access such additional or new functionality.

1.46 “Support Services” means either Standard Support or Premium Support as those terms are provided in the level of Platform Services, or any upgrade thereof, purchased in an Order Form. The levels of Support Services included in the levels of Platform Services are more fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto.

1.47 “Task Order” means a separate written agreement executed between eOriginal and Customer for the purchase and provision of Professional Services, Services upgrades and/or Vaults which describes the Fees, deliverables, timing and scope of such Services or Vaults.

1.48 “Technical Contacts” means those Authorized Users trained by eOriginal and designated by Customer as Customer’s sole contact persons for purposes of obtaining Support Services from eOriginal.

1.49 “Term” means the period set forth in an Order Form for which Services and Vaults shall be provided, and eDeposits may be used in connection with the Services. The Term shall begin on the Order Start Date and continue until the first to occur of (i) the date the provision of the Services is terminated pursuant to these T&Cs or (ii) the date the Order Form expires or is terminated.

1.50 “Test Environment” means a separate online, multi-tenant, single instance, hosted environment of the Platform Services designated by eOriginal for Customer access to test the functionality of the current release of the Software running on the Production Environment. Customer shall not upload Documents or Customer Data onto the Test Environment, but may upload test, nonproduction data and documents.

1.51 “TOLEC In” means an Origination Transaction Type which may be configured to a Vault provisioned for Customer allowing Customer or a Customer Affiliate to upload Documents from a Customer-controlled vaulting system for deposit into eDeposits in a Vault.

1.52 “Transaction Type” means the type of eDeposit that may be created pursuant to an Order Form or the Agreement in a particular Vault. Each eDeposit is configured as a single Transaction Type, which is either one of the Origination Transaction Types or one of the eAsset® Management Transaction Types.

1.53 “Update” means a release of the Software which is made commercially accessible by eOriginal to its clients, and which is identified in the release number as those digits after the second decimal point (e.g., Version 11.2.X).

1.54 “Vault” means a virtual electronic storage partition on the Production Environment of the Platform Services. Those virtual electronic storage partitions on the Test Environment or Preview Environment shall be referred to herein as “vaults”.

1.55 “Version” means a release of the Software which is made commercially accessible by eOriginal to its clients, and which is identified in the release number as those digits before the second decimal point (e.g., Version 11.2).


2.1 Access Rights and License. The Platform Services, and all eDeposits and Vaults used in connection with the Platform Services, are made available on the basis of a prepaid subscription which is limited by usage and volume, and which is subject to the Scope of Use and the restrictions of these T&Cs and the Order Form. If Customer desires to increase or otherwise modify the Scope of Use, a separate Order Form and/or Task Order will be required and additional Fees will apply. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, the Order Form with respect to any Services and eOriginal’s receipt of applicable Fees, and to the extent expressly permitted by the Transaction Type(s) purchased by Customer in the Order Form, the following non-transferable, non-sublicensable rights are granted to Customer during the Term, solely for the internal business purposes of Customer and its Affiliates, to access those Services, Vaults and eDeposits set forth in an Order Form subject to the Scope of Use:

(a) For access to and use of eCore: The rights in this Section 2.1(a) are granted to Customers having purchased Basic, Standard or Premium level Platform Services in an Order Form:

(i) Authorized Users are authorized to access, configure and use eCore via the Platform Services solely in connection with the receipt, transfer, storage, management and administration of Customer Data and those Transaction Types purchased in an Order Form and configured by eOriginal to one or more Vaults purchased in an Order Form (or available in the applicable edition of the Platform Services). Customer is expressly precluded from receiving or uploading into a Vault eDeposits of a Transaction Type different than the Transaction Type configured by eOriginal to such Vault. All eDeposits created (whether by receipt of transfer, origination, or other deposit or upload, including via the Integration) in a Vault will incur the Per eDeposit Rate corresponding to the Transaction Type configured by eOriginal to such Vault.

(ii) Customers are authorized to grant “read-only” access to those of Customer’s Personnel designated as Authorized Users to access the Customer’s Vault(s) via the Platform Service, where such Personnel have a need for such read only access for the verification, servicing, auditing or review of Customer’s Documents and Customer Data in such Vault(s).

(iii) Where permitted by the eAsset® Management Transaction Type configured to a Customer Vault, Customers are authorized to grant access to such Vault to those of Customer’s Personnel designated as Authorized Users to access such Vault via the Platform Service, where such Personnel have a need for such access to perform verification, servicing, auditing or review of Customer’s Documents and Customer Data in such Vault.

(iv) Customer is permitted to store those Transaction Types purchased in an Order Form (and the Documents and Customer Data therein) in those Vaults purchased in an Order Form and configured by eOriginal to maintain such Transaction Types, subject to the payment of the Fees for Platform Services required in such Order Form.

(b) For Access to and Use of Origination Transaction Types: In addition to the rights granted in 2.1(a) above (if applicable), Authorized Users are authorized to log into the Platform Services and upload Documents and Customer Data into eDeposits of the Origination Transaction Type purchased in an Order Form, which eDeposits are created in Vaults purchased in an Order Form (or available in the applicable edition of the Platform Services) and such Vaults are configured by eOriginal to maintain such Transaction Type.

(c) For Testing: In addition to the rights granted in 2.1(a) and 2.1(b) above (if applicable), Authorized Users are authorized to implement, configure, access and use with non-production, test data and documents, a number of vaults equal to the number of Vaults purchased in effective Order Forms and Task Orders, such vaults being on the Test Environment and the Preview Environment of the Platform Services.

(d) For Use of APIs: If Customer has purchased in an Order Form or a Task Order API integration Professional Services for a particular Vault, Authorized Users are authorized to implement, access and use the APIs through API keys provided by eOriginal to implement, configure, access and use such Vault, solely with respect to the rights and licenses granted in 2.1(a) or 2.1(b) above (as applicable) with respect to eDeposits consisting of the Transaction Type purchased in an Order Form and configured by eOriginal to such Vault.

(e) For Documentation: Authorized Users may use, internally disclose, internally display, internally copy and internally reproduce the Documentation solely in connection with the authorized use of the Platform Services and/or APIs by Customer as set forth herein.

2.2 Limitations.

2.2.1 eDeposit Expiration and Transaction Types. All eDeposits purchased in an Order Form expire at the end of the Term of such Order Form and shall not “rollover” to any future period beyond the Term. All Fees remain payable and Customer is not entitled to any credits or reductions in Fees for any unused eDeposits that were purchased regardless of whether Customer actually creates or maintains the amount of Purchased Capacity or Excess Capacity Fees purchased in or paid under an Order Form. eDeposits are categorized as either Origination Transaction Types or eAsset® Management Transaction Types. A single Vault purchased by Customer may be configured to create or upload any one or more Origination Transaction Types. However, a Vault may be configured to receive and maintain only a single eAsset® Management Transaction Type, and Customer is prohibited from commingling in that Vault eDeposits of different eAsset® Management Transaction Types. Additionally, additional Fees will apply if Customer wishes to take an action which results in certain Documents being managed as a different Transaction Type than that configured to the Vault in which the Documents are currently maintained.

2.2.2 Access Restrictions. The rights and licenses granted herein by eOriginal do not grant Customer, any Affiliate of Customer, any Authorized Users or Personnel of either, or any third party any right to sublicense, distribute, reproduce, transfer or transmit any of the Platform Services, Transaction Types, Vaults, the Software or Documentation, or any portion thereof. Customer and Authorized Users shall not, and shall not permit any entity or natural person to: (i) attempt, knowingly permit or encourage other persons or entity to copy, translate, decompile, decipher, disassemble, reverse engineer or otherwise decrypt or in any other manner discover the source code of, or other trade secrets from, all or any portion of the Software; (ii) alter, modify, adapt or create derivative works of, or market, sell, distribute or transfer in any way, any Software or Documentation comprising the Platform Services, or any portion thereof; (iii) use external programs to alter, edit or append records to the data files or other information maintained within the Platform Services; (iv) sublicense, rent or otherwise allow use of the Platform Services, or any portion thereof, by third parties or otherwise support the activities of Customer or any Customer Affiliate in any service bureau capacity; (v) allow any competitor of eOriginal access to the Platform Services or any Software; or (vi) interfere with or disrupt the integrity, operation or performance of the Platform Services or otherwise interfere with others’ use of the Platform Services, including by means of uploading onto the Platform Services any harmful computer code or code designed to circumvent security operations of the Platform Services. The Platform Services and all components thereof, including without limitation, all copies thereof, and the Software, software, Vaults and Documentation, and the patents, copyrights and other intellectual property rights related thereto, and any upgrades, modifications, adaptations, derivative works and enhancements to such property and materials, and all knowledge and processes related thereto or provided hereunder, shall be and remain the sole property and Confidential Information of eOriginal and/or its applicable third party vendors, and are licensed herein and not sold.

2.3. Access Suspension. eOriginal reserves the right to suspend access to any portion of the Platform Services by any Authorized User (or to require Customer to immediately suspend such access upon request) for material breach of the Agreement, the Order Form or if continued use presents a threat to the security or integrity of the Platform Services, the Customer Data or Confidential Information, or a threat to other users of the Platform Services, and to suspend access by Customer and all Authorized Users if eOriginal fails to receive payment under any effective Order Form or Task Order after lapse of any applicable notice and cure period. eOriginal will inform Customer of the identity of the Authorized User so suspended and the reasons for suspension.

2.4 Support Services. Customer’s Technical Contacts will receive ongoing Support Services at the level purchased in an Order Form or Task Order. Customer shall provide Platform Services support directly to Authorized Users other than Customer’s Technical Contacts. All Technical Contacts shall follow all issue escalation procedures established in the Documentation. Support Services do not include support for any API scripts, utilities or other software developed under Task Order or otherwise in the performance of Professional Services.

2.5 Professional Services. Customer may elect to receive Professional Services from eOriginal in connection with the Platform Services, which shall be provided subject to these T&Cs and those of an effective Order Form or Task Order purchasing such Professional Services. Customer acknowledges that eOriginal will perform Professional Services remotely, unless otherwise indicated in an Order Form or a Task Order. Customer will provide overall project management for all Professional Services to ensure Customer’s goals and objectives are understood and addressed by eOriginal. Any changes to Professional Services must be mutually agreed and documented by written change order signed by eOriginal and Customer (“Change Order”). eOriginal shall have no obligation to perform Professional Services other than those specified in an effective Order Form or Task Order, or an effective Change Order attached to an effective Order Form or Task Order. Any timelines for performance set forth in an Order Form or a Task Order are estimates based on the assumptions of the Order Form or Task Order and Customer’s stated requirements. Unless otherwise stated in an Order Form, Task Order or Change Order, Customer agrees to pay Fees for all hours worked to provide the Professional Services, at the hourly rates set forth in the Task Order.

2.6 Third Party Software/Hardware/Services. Customer may wish to utilize third party software, services, equipment or hardware with the Services. Customer shall be solely responsible for selection of, procuring, compatibility of, and maintenance and support of, all such third party products and services to ensure Customer’s access and effective use of the Services. Such third party products and services are provided pursuant to the terms of the separate written agreement between Customer and such third party. eOriginal disclaims all responsibility and liability for any failure of such third party products and services. eOriginal may provide new Versions of the Software to accommodate new versions or releases of those third party products and services at eOriginal’s sole discretion.

  1. FEES.

3.1 Generally. All amounts due to Reseller under an Order Form with respect to Services, Vaults and eDeposits shall be invoiced to Customer by Reseller under the terms of the Order Form. Customer is responsible to make timely payment to Reseller and Reseller is responsible to timely remit payment to eOriginal. Unless otherwise stated in a Task Order, eOriginal shall invoice Customer for all Fees due under the Task Order on the date Customer executes such Task Order, and Customer will pay all invoiced Fees not subject to a dispute within twenty (20) days of the date of the invoice. Customer will raise all disputes with any Fee stated in an eOriginal invoice within twenty (20) days of the date of the invoice, and shall pay all undisputed Fees in such invoice, and both parties will promptly confer to resolve such disputes. Undisputed fees not timely paid shall bear interest at one percent (1%) per month. eOriginal may suspend provision of Services in the event Customer fails to timely remit payment under an effective Order Form or Task Order.

3.2 Taxes. All Fees due to eOriginal under the Agreement are net amounts to be received by eOriginal, exclusive of all taxes, duties, sales taxes, levies, value-added taxes, excise taxes, assessments and similar taxes (other than eOriginal’s income and employment taxes) (the “Taxes”), and, unless otherwise expressly stated herein, are not subject to refund, offset or reduction. Customer is responsible for all Taxes now and hereafter levied which are associated with its purchase of, and payment for, the Platform Services, Vaults, eDeposits and all Services. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold eOriginal harmless for all such Taxes unpaid by Customer. If eOriginal is required by law to invoice or collect Taxes associated with Customer’s purchase of, or payment for, any Services, eDeposits or Vaults, eOriginal will set forth the amount of the Taxes in its invoices and remit all such Taxes collected to the appropriate taxing authority. eOriginal may rely upon Customer’s address as set forth on a Task Order as Customer’s place of supply for purposes of taxation or, if no such address is set forth in a Task Order, eOriginal may rely upon Customer’s address as set forth in the most recent effective Order Form.

3.3 eDeposit Fees; Excess Capacity Fees. Customer is allowed to create on the Platform Services during the Term the Purchased Capacity of eDeposits. If Customer creates eDeposits in excess of its Purchased Capacity during the Term, Reseller shall invoice Customer, and Customer shall pay, Excess Capacity Fees monthly in arrears for each eDeposit created during the prior month in excess of the Purchased Capacity at a rate which is 120% of the Per eDeposit Rate charged in Customer’s then-current Order Form. eDeposit Fees are payable regardless of whether Customer actually creates the amount of Purchased Capacity in an Order Form. The Purchased Capacity of eDeposits purchased by a Customer expires at the end of the Term and shall not “rollover” to any future period beyond the Term. Customer is not entitled to any credits or Fee reductions, or retroactive reductions of Fees, for any unused eDeposits.


4.1 Each Party. Each party represents to the other that (i) these T&Cs have been duly authorized and approved and is binding on said party, (ii) that no consent or approval of any third party or a government agency is required to make these T&Cs or any Task Order enforceable against such party, (iii) that such party will not violate any contractual rights of a third party, or of Applicable Law applicable to such party, in the performance of its obligations herein and the provisions of data and information to the other party; and (iv) such party shall not introduce into or deliver into the systems of the other party any virus, malware or other data or code that is invalid, illegal or that is intended to or does cause data loss or other damage to data (including Customer Data).

4.2 eOriginal. eOriginal shall develop and upload onto the Platform Services new Versions of the Software as needed to maintain compliance with the warranties of this Section 4.2 during the Term. eOriginal represents to Customer that, during the Term: (i) the Production Environment of the Platform Services shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the Service Level Addendum; (ii) the Platform Services shall include functionality allowing Customer to comply with all applicable requirements of the Uniform Commercial Code, the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, and the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, with respect to the creation and management of authoritative copies and transferable records (as such terms are defined under Applicable Law and as such may be applicable to the Transaction Types purchased by Customer); (iii) all Services will be provided by adequately trained and knowledgeable employees and Personnel, in a good, professional and workmanlike manner, and to generally accepted industry standards; and (iv) to its knowledge on the Order Start Date, the Services do not infringe any patent, copyright, trade secret or trademark of a third party.

4.3 Data Security; Access Credentials. Each party covenants to use reasonable computer and data security practices (but no less than practices required by Applicable Law) in respect of its access to, transfer, uploading, downloading, use, storage and processing of, the data, information and systems of the other party (including Customer Data). eOriginal also covenants to comply with the Data Security Addendum and to provide to Customer the Audit / Vendor Assessment Services described therein in accordance with the level purchased in an effective Order Form or Task Order. Customer covenants not to share, disclose or otherwise provide login access credentials to access or use the Platform Services except to Authorized Users, and to promptly report to eOriginal any loss, misuse or unauthorized disclosure of such login access credentials. eOriginal shall not be liable for any data loss arising from Customer’s or any Authorized User’s loss of access credentials or any unauthorized use of the Platform Services caused by the acts or omissions of Customer or any Authorized User.

4.4 Cooperation. Each party covenants to use reasonable effort, but not less than the effort expressly required by these T&Cs, to cooperate with the other party in the performance and receipt of performance of the Services.


4.6 Remedy Limitation. Except for Customer’s indemnification rights expressly set forth herein, Customer’s sole and exclusive remedy with respect to a breach by eOriginal of any of the representations, warranties or covenants in this Section 4 shall be for eOriginal, at its option, to repair or re-perform the defective Service, or to replace the defective Service with a functionally equivalent service, at eOriginal’s cost. Notwithstanding the above, if this remedy limitation fails of its essential purpose, this remedy limitation shall be void.

4.7 Customer Responsibilities. At all times during the Term of an Order Form for the Platform Services, subject to Section 2.3 of these T&Cs, Customer may access its Documents and Customer Data on the Platform Services and retrieve copies of such at no additional cost. As between eOriginal and Customer, Customer has exclusive control over and responsibility for the content of each Document. All Documents uploaded or maintained on the Platform Services are maintained in encrypted form and eOriginal has no access to or control over such Documents except to the extent access is requested in writing and made available by Customer to eOriginal. Customer is solely responsible to determine whether a particular Document is subject to any Applicable Law, or any exception to Applicable Law. During the Term of an Order Form for Platform Services, Customer is solely responsible for producing any of Customer’s Documents or Customer Data to any third parties, including copies thereof. Upon Customer’s request and a mutually agreed Task Order or Order Form, eOriginal may provide Professional Services to assist Customer with its obligations. Customer is further solely responsible during the Term to configure the Platform Services’ Software to determine how long any Document, Customer Data or any other records are required to be retained or stored under Applicable Law, and to direct and cause the destruction or export of any such Document or Customer Data from the Platform Services at such dates and times as Customer may determine appropriate.

4.8 Marking. Neither party shall use the other party’s name or trademarks without the express written consent of such other party; provided however that either party may use the other’s name and associated logo in listings on such party’s website and in other marketing materials to indicate that such other party is a client (or vendor). Additionally, the Services and Documentation bear certain marks of eOriginal (the “Marks”). Customer acknowledges that the Marks and all other trademarks and logos displayed on the Services or Documentation are trademarks of eOriginal or its applicable vendors, and that neither the Order Form nor the Agreement grants to Customer any proprietary rights in, or any right to modify or alter, any such Marks, trademarks or logos, or any copyright designations of eOriginal on or in the Services or the Documentation. In addition to the above, Customer shall: (i) cooperate with eOriginal in jointly developing and issuing a press release announcing the parties’ relationship and the business value of the Platform Services; (ii) act as a business reference for eOriginal products and services not more than once per month; and (iii) assist in the preparation of step-by-step documentation of Customer’s transition to the Platform Services for inclusion in a business case study to be published and utilized for marketing purposes by either or both parties.


5.1 Termination. No Services may be terminated or cancelled except in accordance with these T&Cs. A Task Order shall terminate upon the earlier of (i) completion of the Services set forth therein or (ii) the date terminated in accordance with these T&Cs. Either party may terminate a Task Order or any Services for material breach of the other party of any term of these T&Cs by giving written notice to the other party, which termination shall be effective on the date of such written notice unless the other party cures the material breach within (a) ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the notice if the breach constitutes failure to pay Fees, or (b) within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the notice for all other breaches. In addition to the above, this Agreement, including these T&Cs and all Task Orders, as well as all Services, shall automatically terminate upon the termination or expiration of the last remaining Order Form and shall also automatically terminate without notice or a right to cure upon any party’s assignment for the benefit of creditors or any commencement by or against a party of any proceeding in bankruptcy, insolvency, or reorganization pursuant to bankruptcy laws or laws of debtor’s moratorium. Upon any termination of Services, an Order Form or a Task Order, eOriginal (and Reseller with respect to the Order Form) shall remain entitled to receive payment of all monies and Fees incurred up to and including the effective date of termination or expiration and no refund, offset or reduction will be due to Customer.

5.2 Transition Rights and Services. If Customer failed to export all of its Documents and Customer Data from the Platform Services prior to the expiration or termination of Platform Services, and the termination was for reasons other than Customer’s material breach, Customer may elect in writing prior to the effective date of termination to extend the provision of the Platform Services for a period not longer than sixty (60) days from the original termination date (the “Winding Down Period”) solely for purposes of enabling or performing a transition to a new service provider or otherwise removing all Customer’s Documents and Customer Data from the Platform Services. Fees for Vaults, Audit / Vendor Assessment Services and Platform Services shall continue to be due and payable for Services utilized during the Winding Down Period on a pro rata basis. In no circumstance shall Customer use the Platform Services during the Winding Down Period to upload new Documents or to utilize any eDeposits. If Customer properly elects to wind down in accordance with this Section 5.2, the applicable Platform Services, including related Vaults and Audit / Vendor Assessment Services, shall automatically terminate at the end of the Winding Down Period. In the event that Customer fails to remove all of Customer’s Documents and Customer Data from the Platform Services by the end of the Winding Down Period, or in the event Customer is not entitled to elect the Winding Down Period, Customer may engage eOriginal to perform such removal or to otherwise provide transition Professional Services under a Task Order at eOriginal’s then-current time and materials rates.

5.3 Effect of Termination. Termination by either party of any Services or any Task Order shall effect a termination of such Services or Task Order. Termination or expiration of any single Order Form, Task Order or particular Services shall not effect a termination of the Agreement or any other portion thereof; however, these T&Cs shall automatically terminate upon the termination or expiration of the last remaining effective Order Form or Task Order. Subject to Section 5.2 above, upon the effective date of termination or expiration of any Services, and upon the effective date of termination of this Agreement (each including as extended by any Winding Down Period): (a) all licenses and rights to use and access the Services shall automatically terminate; (b) Customer and all Authorized Users shall cease all use of the Services; (c) eOriginal shall have the right (but not the obligation, except as set forth in Section 5.4) to permanently delete and destroy all Documents, eDeposits and other data (including Customer Data) previously managed under the applicable Order Form or Task Order upon written notice to Customer; and (d) subject to Section 5.2 above with respect to Documents and Customer Data on the Platform Services, each party shall return to the other, or permanently destroy, all Confidential Information of the other party, except as such Confidential Information may be retained in backup or archival storage (and in such case such Confidential Information shall remain subject to the provisions of Section 6, and shall be deleted in the ordinary course of storage rotation).

5.4 Document Retention; Audit Trails. eOriginal shall not be obligated to retain any Documents or Confidential Information of Customer after termination of the Platform Services related to such Documents or Confidential Information unless Applicable Law expressly requires eOriginal to do so. Notwithstanding any other provision in the Agreement, eOriginal may retain the Aggregated Data and the Audit Trails created by the Platform Services. To the extent any such Audit Trails may contain Confidential Information of Customer, they shall remain subject to the confidentiality provisions of these T&Cs.

5.5 Survival. The following Sections shall survive any termination or expiration of the Agreement, any Order Form or Task Order, or portion thereof, in full force and effect, except to the extent such section provides a limited period of survival: Sections 1, 3 (to the extent Fees remain unpaid), 4.5, 4.6, 5.2, 5.3 (with respect to retained Confidential Information), 5.4, 6, 7, and 8.


6.1 Customer Data. All Customer Data, Customer Confidential Information and the Documents, as between eOriginal and Customer, are the sole and exclusive property of Customer (or of Customer’s clients or Affiliates). Nothing in the Agreement shall grant to eOriginal any ownership interest in Customer Data, or in Customer’s Documents or Confidential Information. Customer hereby grants to eOriginal the right to process, use, disclose, copy, modify, and access the Customer Data, Customer Confidential Information and Documents solely to the extent necessary for eOriginal to provide the Services and as otherwise set forth in the Agreement. Such license includes the right to create the Audit Trail. eOriginal may utilize the Audit Trail and other information tracked by the Platform Services for purposes of improving the Platform Services, providing the Customer with reports on the Customer’s use of the Platform Services, and compiling aggregate statistics and usage patterns by customers using the Platform Services (“Aggregated Data”). All Aggregated Data will be in aggregate form only and will not identify Customer, any Customer Affiliate, any of Customer’s Authorized Users, or any third parties utilizing the Platform Services. Customer acknowledges and agrees that eOriginal may collect, use, and disclose Aggregated Data for industry analysis, benchmarking, analytics, marketing, and other business purposes.

6.2 The Platform Services. The Platform Services and all components thereof, including without limitation, the Software, software, Transaction Types, Vaults and the Documentation, and the patents and other intellectual property rights related thereto, and any upgrades, modifications, adaptations, derivative works and enhancements to such materials, shall be and remain the property and Confidential Information of eOriginal and/or its applicable third party vendors. Customer, Customer’s Affiliates and Authorized Users shall have no right, title or interest in any such eOriginal materials, except to the extent of the access rights granted hereunder, and all such rights not expressly granted herein are reserved to eOriginal. eOriginal encourages Customer to provide suggestions, proposals, ideas, recommendations, or other feedback regarding improvements to the Services (“Feedback”). Customer acknowledges and agrees that eOriginal may collect, use, disclose and otherwise exploit Feedback for any business purpose without restriction. Feedback shall not identify Customer, any Customer Affiliate, or any of Customer’s Authorized Users, or include any Customer Data.

6.3 Confidentiality. Each party agrees to hold all Confidential Information of the other party in confidence and not to, directly or indirectly, copy, reproduce, distribute, duplicate, reveal, report, publish, disclose, cause to be disclosed or otherwise transfer such Confidential Information to any third party or utilize such Confidential Information for any purpose other than as expressly contemplated by the Agreement. Each party will use at least the same degree of care to prevent disclosing to third parties the other party’s Confidential Information as it employs to avoid unauthorized disclosure, publication or dissemination of its own information of a similar nature, but shall use no less than reasonable care; provided, however, that a party may disclose such information to such party’s Affiliates and their employees and Personnel, and to persons or entities performing services required hereunder or otherwise performing services related to such party’s business operations, where the disclosure is to those of the recipient’s employees or Personnel who have a need to have access to such information in connection with their employment or engagement, so long as such party requires that each such third party owe a legal duty of confidentiality to such party, or have executed a confidentiality agreement containing terms and conditions, at least as protective of the Confidential Information as those set forth herein, and provided further that such disclosing party will remain responsible for any further disclosures or uses of Confidential Information by such third parties as if they were the actions of the disclosing party itself. The confidentiality obligations of the parties under this Section shall apply for five (5) years following the termination of the Agreement and, as to all Confidential Information which constitutes a trade secret under Applicable Law, for so long as such Confidential Information remains protected as a trade secret under Applicable Law.

6.4 Exceptions. Confidential Information shall not include any information which a party can show: (a) was in the public domain at the time of disclosure through no fault of such party; (b) is published or otherwise becomes part of the public domain through no fault of such party; (c) was rightfully already known by, or in the possession of, such party without obligation of confidentiality or other restriction at the time of disclosure; (d) was disclosed, without restriction, by a third party who rightfully received such information and had a lawful right to disclose such information; or (e) was independently developed by such party without reference to, or use of, Confidential Information of the other party. In addition, a party shall not be considered to have breached its obligations under Section 6.3 for disclosing Confidential Information to the extent such disclosure is required to satisfy any legal requirement of a competent court or governmental authority (including any state or federal regulatory agency having oversight of a party), provided that, promptly upon receiving any such request, such party notifies the other party prior to making such disclosure (unless prohibited by Applicable Law) to allow such other party to take such action as it deems appropriate to protect the Confidential Information, and reasonably cooperates with such other party (if requested by such other party), at such other party’s expense, in taking such actions.

6.5 Ownership. Each party acknowledges that, as between the parties, all Confidential Information it receives from or on behalf of the disclosing party, including all copies thereof in such party’s possession or control, shall be and remain the sole and exclusive, proprietary property of the disclosing party. Except to the extent expressly stated in these T&Cs, neither party shall have any right, title or interest in or to the other party’s Confidential Information.


7.1 Indemnification of eOriginal. Customer will indemnify, defend and hold harmless eOriginal, eOriginal Affiliates, and its and their owners, employees, Personnel, directors, successors and assigns (the “eOriginal Indemnified Parties”) from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses associated with or incurred as a result of any third party claim, action or proceeding brought or threatened against the eOriginal Indemnified Party arising out of or relating to (a) the failure of Customer or any Customer Affiliate, or any of their Personnel, or any Authorized User to comply with terms of the Order Form or the Agreement or otherwise use the Platform Services in accordance with the Order Form or the Agreement, or (b) the nature and content of the Customer Data or Documents maintained on the Platform Services

7.2 Indemnification of Customer. eOriginal will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Customer from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses associated with or incurred as a result of any third party claim, action or proceeding brought or threatened against Customer arising out of or relating to the actual or alleged infringement by the Services of a United States patent, copyright, trademark or trade secret, or any other intellectual property right recognized in the United States (collectively, “Infringement Claims”); except to the extent the infringement results from: (i) breach of the Agreement or an Order Form by Customer, a Customer Affiliate or any Authorized User; (ii) information added or posted to the Platform Services by Customer or any Authorized User (in which case, eOriginal reserves the right, without liability to Customer to immediately remove such allegedly infringing information from the Platform Services); (iii) the use of Services in connection or in combination with equipment, devices or software of Customer, a Customer Affiliate, any Authorized User, or a third party; or (iv) modifications or configurations of the Platform Services by or on behalf of Customer made without the express prior consent of eOriginal. Additionally, if any component of the Services is, or in eOriginal’s good faith judgment likely to become, the subject of an Infringement Claim, eOriginal, at its expense and without prejudice to the right of indemnification provided in this Section, shall use commercially reasonable efforts to procure for Customer the right to continue using such component or replace or modify it to make its use hereunder non-infringing, provided such replacement is functionally equivalent. If neither option is reasonably practicable within ninety (90) days in eOriginal’s good faith judgment, eOriginal shall so notify Customer, and Customer, Customer Affiliates, Personnel and Authorized Users shall cease use of such component and, if applicable, eOriginal shall terminate access to such component and eOriginal shall issue a pro-rated refund for any prepaid Fees corresponding to loss of use of such component over the unused portion of the Term. The obligations of this Section 7.2 constitute eOriginal’s sole obligations in the event of any Infringement Claim and Customer shall have no other recourse against eOriginal.

7.3 Indemnification Procedures. The party seeking indemnification shall promptly notify the indemnifying party in writing of the claim and shall not compromise or settle such claim without written consent of the indemnifying party. The indemnifying party shall, upon payment of such indemnity, be subrogated to all rights of the indemnified party with respect to the claims and defenses to which such indemnification relates. The parties’ respective indemnification obligations above are conditioned on: (a) the indemnifying party being given full and complete control over the defense and settlement of the claim (as long as the settlement does not include any payment of any amounts by or any admissions of liability, whether civil or criminal, on the part of the indemnified party); and (b) the indemnified party shall provide reasonable assistance in connection with the defense and settlement of the claim, as the indemnifying party may reasonably request.



8.1 Assignment; Beneficiaries. Neither party shall assign these T&Cs, the Services, or any part thereof, or any benefit or interest therein or thereunder, without the prior written consent of the other party; provided, however, that without the prior consent of the other party, either party shall have the right to assign these T&Cs, the Services or a Task Order, to an Affiliate or to any acquirer of all or substantially all of the assets or equity of such party or in connection with a merger or other change of control. In all cases, each party shall notify the other party of any such assignment. Subject to the foregoing, the Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Reseller, eOriginal and Customer, and their permitted successors or assigns, are the sole intended beneficiaries of the Agreement, and no unintended beneficiary or third party shall have the right to sue on or enforce the Agreement. The parties agree that a party’s Authorized Users, Affiliates, employees and Personnel are not intended beneficiaries of the Agreement.

8.2 Relief. Each party acknowledges and agrees that any breach of the agreements and covenants contained herein would cause irreparable injury to the other party for which such other party would have no adequate remedy at law. In addition to any other remedy for which a party may be entitled, each party agrees that the other party may seek temporary and permanent injunctive and other equitable relief and specific performance which may be granted without obligation to post a bond or other security, and without proof of actual damages, irreparable injury or lack of remedy at law.

8.3 Consents. Where agreement, approval, acceptance or consent of either party is required by any provision of the Agreement, such action will not be unreasonably delayed, conditioned or withheld.

8.4 Relationship of Parties. Each party is acting only as an independent contractor to the other party. Notwithstanding any provision of the Agreement to the contrary, the Agreement establishes and shall only be construed as a contract between unrelated business entities for the provision of services and shall not be deemed to create a partnership, joint venture, fiduciary, agency or any other type of joint relationship.

8.5 Notice. Wherever under the Agreement one party is required or permitted to give notice to the other party, such notice shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally, sent by electronic mail transmission or sent by nationally recognized express courier, to the location set forth in the most recent effective Order Form or Task Order, with respect to Customer, and to the following with respect to eOriginal: eOriginal, Inc, 351 W. Camden Street, Suite 800, Baltimore, Maryland 21201; Attn: General Counsel, [email protected], with a copy to [email protected]. Any such notice shall be deemed given when actually received (or refused). Either party may change its address for notices upon written notice to the other party in the manner provided above.

8.6 Severability. If any term of the Agreement is held to be illegal, unenforceable or void, then each other provision will remain in effect and the illegal, unenforceable or void provision will be amended to the extent required to make it legal and enforceable. If no such amendment is possible, then such term will be stricken from the Agreement and all other provisions will remain in full force and effect.

8.7 Waiver. The observance of any term of the Agreement may be waived, but such waiver shall be effective only if made in writing and signed by the party entitled to enforce such term. No delay or omission on the part of any party in exercising any right or privilege under the Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any waiver on the part of any party of any right or privilege under the Agreement operate as a waiver of any other right or privilege under the Agreement.

8.8 Governing Law. These T&Cs, and the provision of all Services under Order Forms or Task Orders, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws, other than choice of law rules, of the State of Delaware and all applicable Federal laws of the United States. All disputes arising under these T&Cs shall be brought in the State of Delaware. All disagreements or controversies of any kind, whether claimed in tort, contract or otherwise, concerning these T&Cs or any other matter whatsoever between the parties (including any such matter as may relate to the enforceability or validity of any document) shall be brought within the lesser of the applicable statute of limitations or three (3) years after the occurrence of the disagreement or controversy. All parties WAIVE THE RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL on all matters arising out of or relating to the construction, performance or breach of these T&Cs, and any Order Forms and Task Orders. In any litigation between the parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to, and the court shall award, reimbursement of such party’s costs incurred, including and not limited to, reasonable attorney and expert fees.

8.9 Counterparts; Electronic Signatures. A Task Order may be executed using agreed upon electronic signatures and in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be regarded as an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument.

8.10 Force Majeure. In the event a party’s performance of these T&Cs, the Services or any part thereof (except for obligations to pay monies) shall be rendered impossible by or as a consequence of any law or any act of any government or political subdivision thereof having jurisdiction over such party, such party shall not be considered in default hereunder by reason of any failure to perform as a result. Any delays in or failure by either party hereto in the performance of any obligations hereunder (except for any obligation to pay money) shall be excused if and to the extent caused by occurrences beyond such party’s reasonable control, including floods, fire, earthquake, riots, transportation conditions, strikes or other labor disturbances, war, whether declared or not, sabotage, or any other cause or causes which cannot be reasonably controlled by such party, and the time for performance shall be extended for the period of delay or inability to perform, provided that the affected party shall use its best efforts to address and mitigate the cause and effect of the force majeure event.

8.11 Export. The Software, Documentation and Services are not for export outside of the United States. Customer represents that it is not located in, or under the control of, or a national or resident of an embargoed country or prohibited end user under the export control laws and regulations of the United States.

8.12 Entire Agreement; Order of Precedence. The Agreement and those portions of the Order Form regarding the Services constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. There are no representations, understandings or agreements relating to the Agreement that are not fully expressed herein. These T&Cs may not be modified or amended except by a written instrument executed by or on behalf of each of eOriginal and Customer. The Agreement also supersedes and controls over all conflicting, contradictory or inconsistent terms contained in any purchase order or other document submitted by Customer at any time after Customer’s execution of an Order Form or Task Order subject to these T&Cs, whether or not such purchase order or other document is formally rejected by eOriginal. Upon Customer’s request, eOriginal shall reference Customer’s purchase order number on eOriginal invoices. If a conflict arises between these T&Cs, an Order Form, a Task Order, any addendum or exhibit, and any externally referenced document, then the following order of preference, listed in the order of highest to lowest precedence first, shall be as follows: First: each Order Form (as between them, the latest signed Order Form shall take precedence), provided that to the extent an Order Form amends these T&Cs, eOriginal has approved such Order Form; Second: each Task Order (as between them, the latest signed and current Task Order shall take precedence); Third: these T&Cs; Fourth: any addendum or exhibit; and last, any externally referenced document, such as on a website. In the event of any conflict between these T&Cs and any legal terms and conditions imposed by Reseller in any Order Form, these T&Cs shall supersede and control solely as to the relationship between eOriginal and Customer with regard to the provision and receipt of the Services.

Exhibit A

Platform Services Description

The level of Platform Services purchased by Customer is indicated in the Order Form.

All levels of Platform Services include hosting and maintenance of Documents and Customer Data in provisioned Vaults for the Term of the Order Form. The levels of Platform Services also consist of the following:


Description Basic Standard Premium
No. of Total Vaults maintained 1 2 5
No. of Test Environment vaults maintained 1 2 5
No. of Preview Environment vaults maintained 1 2 5
Standard Support Services Included Included Included
Premium Support Services * * Included
Audit / Vendor Assessment Services – Basic Included Included Included
Audit / Vendor Assessment Services – Standard * Included Included
Audit / Vendor Assessment Services – Premium * * Included


* These Services are provided for additional Fees and may be included if Customer has purchased such Services in the Order Form.


Audit / Vendor Assessment Services Description

Included in the Platform Services is the level of Audit / Vendor Assessment Services purchased by Customer as indicated in the Order Form or Task Order.

All levels of Audit / Vendor Assessment Services include access to the eOriginal online Customer Portal at all times during the Term. The following documents are available to Customer on the Customer Portal:

  • eOriginal compliance policy documents
  • A completed Standard Information Gathering (SIG) questionnaire regarding eOriginal and the Platform Services
  • SOC Audits for eOriginal’s office and data center
  • eOriginal insurance certificates

The levels of Audit / Vendor Assessment Services also consist of the following:

Description of Services per 12-month period during the Term Basic Standard Premium
Access to the eOriginal Customer Portal (as described above) Included Included Included
Responses to one (1) custom compliance or assessment questionnaire consisting of no more than 100 questions * Included n/a
Up to one (1) hour of conference calls to address compliance-related questions * Included n/a
Develop and implement agreed remediation plan * Included Included
Develop agreed plan of audit activities for upcoming year * * Included
Responses to up to four (4) quarterly custom compliance or assessment questionnaires of less than 100 questions; or one (1) annual questionnaire of greater than 100 questions * * Included
Up to one (1) hour pre-assessment / pre-audit conference call with eOriginal Compliance Manager * * Included
Up to two (2) days on-site at eOriginal offices to review controls * * Included
Up to four (4) hours on-site at eOriginal data center to tour facility and review controls * * Included
4-weeks for follow-up questions and preparation of final findings report * * Included
Up to one (1) hour per calendar quarter for additional audit or vendor management needs * * Included

* These Services are provided for additional Fees and may be included if Customer has purchased such Services in the Order Form.


Audit / Vendor Assessment Services Limitations:


The following Services are available if Customer has purchased such Services in an appropriate Task Order or in an Order Form:

  • Additional days may be added to the on-site visit at eOriginal offices
  • Additional questionnaires or additional questions in an annual questionnaire
  • Additional conference calls
  • Specialized employee or vendor training
  • Other Customer-specific audit or assessment activities not included above or in an effective Order Form or Task Order


Support Services Description

Support Services include access to the eOriginal online Customer Portal at all times during the Term of the Order Form. The following self-service resources and information are available to Customer on the Customer Portal:

  • Platform Services’ Documentation and FAQs
  • Instructional training videos on use of the Platform Services
  • Support news and general announcements
  • Scheduled Maintenance notices
  • Release notes
  • Support contact information, hours and schedule

In addition to the information available on the Customer Portal, Support Services consist of the following:

  • Support for Preview Environment, Test Environment and Production Environment
  • Two (2) hours/month of training on-demand
  • Technical support regarding existing API integration to Platform Services**
  • Participation in troubleshooting with systems of Customer or Customer Personnel which are integrated with the Platform Services (e.g., LOS provider, CMS/DMS providers, signing vendors)
  • 24/7 Helpdesk service (see the Support Services Addendum -addendum/ for additional information on Helpdesk services)
    • Report Critical and Non-Critical Issues
    • Answer questions regarding features or functionality
    • Train on user management and configuration changes
  • Develop and upload onto the Platform Services Updates and/or Versions to the Software to resolve Critical Issues and Non-Critical Issues reported by Customer
  • Access to new Versions uploaded to the Preview Environment, along with new Version release overview content prior to migration of such new Version to the Production Environment.

**Support for new API integration to the Platform Services may be purchased in a Task Order for additional Fees.

Premium Support Services

Only Customers having purchased Premium Level Platform Services or a Premium Support upgrade are eligible to receive Premium Support Services. Premium Support Services consist of Standard Support plus the following additional Services:

  • Dedicated Technical Account Manager (“TAM”)
    • Onsite account review at Customer’s location once every 12 months
    • Customer Advocacy
      • Proactive focal point into eOriginal business/technical experts and their extensive product and industry knowledge
      • Coordination of Platform Service utilization and support analysis for process and product improvement
      • Customer’s advocate for prioritization of feature requests into release cycle
    • Best Practices & Education
      • Annual health-check of third party integrations and architecture review
      • Customized pre- & post-Software Version release reviews with consultation on new features which would benefit Customer’s use case
    • Analytics & Measurement
      • Monthly support ticket and Support Services and Platform Services utilization review
      • Quarterly executive review
    • Coordination of eOriginal Support Services Issue management, escalation and resolution (all tickets must still be reported to the Helpdesk)
  • Securitization/Syndication Support
    • Pre-event preparation assistance by TAM
    • Assigned support engineer available during event
  • Non-Critical Issue escalation via TAM once per month
    • Option to request Non-Critical Issue to be worked under Critical Issue response times
  • Concierge Service
    • eOriginal will perform Software administration and configuration upon request
  • Proactive Care
    • eOriginal will regularly monitor for error messages associated with Customer’s use of the Platform Services and inform Customer of suggested remediation


Support Services Limitations:

Regardless of the level of Support Services purchased by Customer, the following limitations apply:

  • The Support Services are provided assuming compliance with the Documentation and the terms and conditions of the Agreement by Customer and each Authorized User.
  • eOriginal shall not be held liable for failure to fulfill its Support Services obligations if such failure is in any way due to tampering with equipment, failure to comply with the Agreement, or failure to comply with the Documentation by any person other than eOriginal.
  • Services may be requested which are not included in the Support Services. Such additional services may be provided by eOriginal pursuant to a separately purchased Task Order at eOriginal’s then current Professional Services rates. Such additional services may consist of:
    • Services to be provided on-site at Customer’s locations;
    • Support diagnosing and/or addressing an issue that is not a defect in the Platform Services or which is otherwise outside of the Platform Services, including issues related to Customer’s systems or environments;
    • Additional training; and
    • Support in the integration or implementation of new Versions of the Platform Services.

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