ComplianceESGMay 05, 2021

What is EHS Software?

Environmental, health, and safety (EHS) management hardly needs a definition, but simply put, it is the business processes to systematically achieve continuous improvement in EHS performance. By now, most organizations have recognized EHS management as an integral part of good overall business management because of its obvious ties to risk management and minimizing liability. In other words, the protection of worker health and safety and the preservation of the environment are just good business practices.

No doubt your organization has many policies and programs in place for different aspects of EHS management – audits and inspections, observations, incident management, waste and water management, greenhouse gas emissions management, job hazard analysis, occupational health, industrial hygiene, corrective actions – but how well do these programs speak to and interact with each other? Are you truly covering all aspects of environmental, health, and safety management from end-to-end?

If you are an EHS manager, your job is much bigger than just keeping workers healthy and safe. You also must comply with regulatory requirements and conform to ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 while proactively identifying and mitigating risks to prevent incidents. An EHS software solution that integrates your EHS programs, data collection, and regulatory risk and compliance is the key to continuously improving your company’s EHS performance.

Why an integrated software solution? With applications that speak to each other, you have one system to report incidents or hazards, monitor working conditions and controls, assign corrective actions, and ensure compliance with environmental and safety regulations. In a cloud-based system, you can easily access real-time data and updated dashboards from a computer or on-the-go through a mobile app. With information at your fingertips, you can perform critical tasks and make informed decisions to help your organization achieve its EHS goals.

To take an example, say a worker uses a mobile device to report an unsafe condition like a spill or a leak. You can then flag this unsafe condition for follow-up action and inspection to determine the cause and evaluate if any controls were absent or failed. Next you can assign corrective actions, continue to track compliance, and monitor the effectiveness of controls. All this is possible with applications for observations, incident reporting, JHAs, industrial hygiene, action plans, and control management that share information for easy dashboarding and report creation.

Don’t leave valuable insights on the table by keeping data in separate applications with no crossover. Your organization needs to leverage shared data and reports to make informed EHS management decisions. Overcome your EHS challenges with an integrated and user-friendly software solution to manage all aspects of EHS and achieve your corporate goals. 

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