Tax & AccountingJanuary 17, 2024

GASB issues guidance on disclosure of certain risks

By: CCH ARM Editorial

The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has issued GASB Statement No. 102, Certain Risk Disclosures.

Statement 102 requires governments to disclose essential information about risks related to vulnerabilities due to certain concentrations or constraints, as follows:  

1. Statement 102 defines a concentration as a lack of diversity related to an aspect of a significant inflow or outflow of resources, for example, a small number of companies that represent a majority of employment in a government’s jurisdiction, or a government that relies on one revenue source for most of its revenue.

2. Statement 102 defines a constraint as a limitation imposed on a government by an external party or by formal action of the government’s highest level of decision-making authority, such as a voter-approved property tax cap or a state-imposed debt limit.

Concentrations and constraints may limit a government’s ability to acquire resources or control spending.

Disclosure criteria

Statement 102 generally requires a government to disclose information about a concentration or constraint if all of the following criteria are met.

1. The concentration or constraint is known to the government prior to issuing the financial statements; 
2. The concentration or constraint makes the government vulnerable to the risk of a substantial impact; and 
3. An event or events associated with the concentration or constraint that could cause a substantial impact have occurred, have begun to occur, or are more likely than not to begin to occur within 12 months of the date the financial statements are issued.

Note disclosures

The disclosures should include a description of the following:

• The concentration or constraint; 
• Each event associated with the concentration or constraint that could cause a substantial impact if the event has occurred or has begun to occur prior to the issuance of the financial statements; and
• Actions taken by the government to mitigate the risk prior to the issuance of the financial statements.

The requirements of Statement 102 are effective for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2024, and all reporting periods thereafter. The GASB encourages earlier application. 

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