The excitement and adrenaline of the activity as the players ran for the touchdown, scored the winning point after a long rally, or made a buzzer-beater basket. Did you envision yourself playing in front of fans? The thought of being able to perform at the level of professional athletes. Maybe this feeling of enthusiasm came from watching shows like Gray’s Anatomy or The Good Doctor. You imagined yourself as the nurse in a lifesaving situation with the person surviving and leaving with their family alongside them. In either scenario, the athlete or nurse dedicated themselves to learning their respective art. They wanted to be the best version of themselves. Just as with any sport, if the athlete expects to excel, the individual must dedicate themselves to learning the art, science, and form of the sport. The same is true for those who pursue nursing.
The athlete observes the activity of the sport with the intention to replicate the physical actions. After each observation, the potential athlete practices the action with the goal of improving and reaching their fullest potential. Day in and day out, under rays of heat and in the blistering cold, the athlete continues to perfect their sport by applying what they learned and improved upon. This discipline is no different from the student nurse learning the art and science of nursing. Both require dedication, discipline, and genuine interest.