Engineer working at modern thermal power plant. Engineers working in power stations.
ComplianceESGJanuary 09, 2024

BowTieXP Enterprise version 12 service pack 3 is now available

In this year's last release, Enablon Bowtie introduced several impactful features to enhance user experience and streamline processes.
You can now “Saved Favorites”, add attachments to your hazard reviews and enhance your communication during employee onboarding. We are also saying goodbye to our app replaced by our new Audits API, and we’ve improved the design of BowTie Editor

New features

Introduction to the new “saved favorites” function

With this new feature, users gain the ability to mark their favorite and frequently accessed pages, ensuring convenient access within the navigation drawer. This feature enhances user experience and navigation efficiency.

Add attachments to hazard reviews

To create a more comprehensive hazard review report and support the collaborative nature of the hazard review process, we are introducing the ability to add attachments. This feature empowers users to enhance their hazard reviews by including relevant documents and files.

Enhanced communication for improved user onboarding

To provide a consistent and tailored approached, we are introducing two significant enhancements: 

  1. Message for Non-License Users includes Administrator’s email address: Now users who don’t have a license will see a message that includes Administrator’s email address.
  2. Welcome email for SSO users: SSO Users can now also receive the configured welcome email created by administrators.

Sunset of our Native Mobile App

After careful consideration, we've decided to bid adieu to the BowTieServer native mobile apps for iOS and Android and to replace it with a new Audits API. As of now, the app is no longer available for download, and we have stopped all support, maintenance, and sales activities. We have created a great alternative: Introducing our robust and scalable Audits API. The Audits API integrates other software applications with BowTieXP Enterprise Audits functionality.
 Additionally, you can now access BowTie Enterprise Audits directly from your mobile device browser, providing you with unparalleled convenience and flexibility. 

New styling for the BowTie Editor

The following components within the BowTie editor have undergone styling improvements to adopt the Wolters Kluwer design system seamlessly:
  1. Top Action Bar: The top action bar has been refined for a more polished and cohesive appearance.
  2. Editing Popups: Stylistic enhancements have been applied to editing popups, contributing to a modernized aesthetic.
  3. Icons: Iconography throughout the BowTie editor has been updated to align with the visual elements of the Wolters Kluwer design system.

It's important to note that these changes are purely cosmetic and do not impact the functionality of the BowTie editor.

Learn more about these new features in the release notes.


How to upgrade to version 12.3

If you are on BowTieXP Enterprise v11.3 or higher, you are not required to insert a new activation code when updating the software.

If you are planning your upgrade with a v11.2 or lower version, please reach out to [email protected] to get a version 12.3 code.

In case your BowTieXP Enterprise is hosted in the Enablon Cloud, reach out to your main contact to get more information and plan the upgrade accordingly.

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