
Unleash the potential of your bowtie

June 17, 2024
Full Frame Shot Of Illuminated Cyberspace Data,In the ever-evolving business landscape, navigating risks is non-negotiable. Your company, like countless others, aims to mitigate risks with a systematic approach. Yet, pause for a moment. Are your current strategies truly cutting it, or merely getting the job done?

Here's the kicker: while many organizations boast about their risk management frameworks, the truth is, that when it boils down to execution, a reactive stance often takes precedence. But here's the catch — this reactive approach might just be leading you astray, diverting focus from critical areas and potentially brewing more trouble than it solves. Have you thoroughly evaluated your current risk management practices? Are you aware of tools that can significantly enhance your safety performance?

Managing risk is about understanding what you need and making sure that is effective when you need it. Bowties are a great way to visualize risks and to make sure you have barriers in place when control is lost. However, it does not end there. There is something extra valuable about bowties ... bowties can support you in going beyond creating and evaluating risks. This method will support you in adopting an optimized barrier management approach. How? That's what you will learn in our upcoming webinar.

Prof. Dr. Jop Groeneweg, our expert speaker, will discuss the Hierarchy Model of Controls and essential questions to consider regarding your barriers. Gain valuable insights, practical tips, and success-driving strategies to elevate your risk management practices. Join us for an engaging discussion where Prof. Dr. Jop Groeneweg and Oscar Diederich will share real-world perspectives and insights, enriching your understanding of practical risk management applications.

Whether you are a bowtie newbie or an experienced user of BowTieXP, there is something valuable to learn for anyone in this upcoming webinar. Because, to raise a corner of the veil ... 'you' are key when it comes to unleashing the power of your bowtie! So, take the first step in becoming proactive towards risk and sign up for our upcoming complimentary webinar.

When: 17th June 2024

Where: Online, via Teams invite

Time: You can choose at the bottom of the page the timeframe that works best for you:

  • 9AM CEST (UTC+2) – 10AM CEST (UTC+2)
  • 4PM CEST (UTC+2) – 5PM CEST (UTC+2)

Speakers: Prof Dr. Jop Groeneweg & Oscar Diederich

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