CCH® ProSystem fx® Engagement - Training I (Accounting & Audit)
Establish the foundation of knowledge required to efficiently and effectively utilize CCH ProSystem fx Engagement for the most common accounting and audit functions with the Training I and Training II (Accounting and Audit) courses. In tandem, Training I (Accounting and Audit) and Training II (Accounting and Audit) represent the complete accounting and audit user curriculum. Both courses provide detailed instruction, presented in a realistic workflow, and are entirely hands on.
Type: Single Client Training, Multi-Client Training
Who Should Attend: Individuals who prepare financial statements and need to prepare and manage workpapers in an electronic environment
Advanced Preparation: No
Prerequisites Required: Yes
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Windows
Field of study: Accounting
Program/Course Level: Basic
- Import and convert data into a trial balance
- Customize financial statement groupings
- Group accounts and book journal entries
- Generate trial balance reports
- Create analytical reports
- Link and automate workpapers and financial statements
- Use tickmarks and workpaper referencing
- Create and manage workpaper notes
- Collaborate and share documents with users from the office or remotely
- Electronically review and sign off workpapers and financial statements