Is an antibiotic the right treatment? Is an oral anticoagulant needed? What’s the best next step when a lab test shows low glucose?

Decisions like these are common in clinical settings, and they can significantly impact patient care and your organization. In fact, these types of decisions have proven to be major contributors to unwarranted care variation, which impacts patient outcomes while driving costs ever higher.

As an extension to UpToDate, the leading global, point-of-care clinical decision support solution, UpToDate Advanced offers interactive guides that are unique to each patient, resulting in a specific care recommendation. It’s built from the unparalleled, deep domain expertise of the editorial team to address common drivers of unwarranted care variability. UpToDate Advanced distills essential information for clinicians at the point of care, leveraging a carefully developed and curated suite of interactive pathways, calculators, lab interpretation monographs, and patient education material.

Clear, actionable recommendations to help medical professionals at the point of care

UpToDate Pathways offers users an easy, interactive navigation of critical, complex decision points based on patient comorbidities and presentation.

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UpToDate® Advanced, una volta integrato nel flusso di lavoro, può contribuire a ridurre la variabilità indesiderata delle cure ai pazienti grazie ai pathway interattivi evidence based relativi a specifici quesiti clinici e alle monografie di laboratorio che agevolano l’interpretazione dei risultati anomali e la scelta delle azioni da intraprendere.

See UpToDate Advanced in action

Lab Interpretation monographs provide quick, actionable guidance to help users interpret abnormal lab results for common, high-volume tests and determine appropriate next steps based on individual patient needs.

UpToDate Advanced helps hospitals and health systems address unwarranted variability in care

  • Reduce your investment required for rapid enablement, ongoing development and expert maintenance of evidence-based guides for high-reliability healthcare
  • Accelerate and improve adherence to best practices by making evidence and recommendations conveniently accessible and actionable when and where care decisions are made
  • Integrate UpToDate Advanced into your EMR
  • Customize UpToDate Pathways to align with local customer needs, priorities, formulary, and resources
  • Use UpToDate Pathways to support documentation in the patient record
With our vast footprint of hospitals, clinics and senior living facilities across 26 states, reducing variations in care is a critical part of our efforts to improve outcomes and increase patient safety. The interactive pathways in UpToDate Advanced have helped us streamline workflows and harmonize clinical decision making across care teams and locations.
Heidt Twedt, MD
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The Advisory Board estimates that $340B annually has been associated with either unnecessary care, or inefficiently delivered services. That’s a $20M–$30M per year problem for a typical hospital.

For medical professionals, UpToDate Advanced can help you:

  • Improve patient outcomes by providing guidance for each unique patient
  • Access evidence and recommendations for treating patient conditions with multiple management, diagnoses, or treatment options
  • Feel confident that important questions and considerations aren't missed as you make care decisions
The advantage of UpToDate Advanced is that it is easy to use and useful to make quick clinical decisions. I use UpToDate Pathways while working in the clinic, and then later dive deeper into the details by consulting monographs on the various topics. I find it extraordinary to have all this knowledge at hand. I know that I am offering my patients a quality, evidence-based approach to treatment, while personally accessing a high level of continuing education. Studying and gathering further information in agreement with the patients increases the confidence that my patients have in the advice I try to give them.
Dr. Elena Consolaro
UpToDate Pathways

UpToDate user survey, July 2019, n=294

Individual Subscription Options

*UpToDate Advanced is included in all newly ordered individual subscriptions in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and several additional countries. In others it is available as an optional add-on product.

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