Dr. Daniel Streetman has spent more than 20 years focused on drug metabolism, pharmacogenomics, and drug interactions.

He has practiced in a variety of settings, including academic medical centers, community hospitals, and retail pharmacy. Additionally, Dr. Streetman has experience as a researcher and teaching in both classroom and practice settings. His specific interests include pharmacogenomics, drug interactions, clinical decision support, and patient and professional education.

Dr. Streetman earned his doctor of pharmacy degree from Ohio Northern University, along with a master of science in clinical research design and statistical analysis from the University of Michigan, School of Public Health. He also completed a general practice pharmacy residency at the VA Medical Center in Huntington, West Virginia, and a two-year research fellowship in clinical pharmacology at Bassett Healthcare in Cooperstown, New York. He is accredited in applied pharmacology by the American Board of Clinical Pharmacology. Dr. Streetman is an author of several peer-reviewed and other publications and maintains adjunct or part-time faculty associations with the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and the University of Michigan-Flint School of Nursing.

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