Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S. will showcase upcoming innovative products at the 2019 ACOPA Actuarial Symposium in Chicago on August 9-10.
Wolters Kluwer has announced that ftwilliam.com will release a modern, cloud-based Defined Benefit Valuation (DB Val) software in 2020, transforming defined benefit plan administration for retirement service providers. Attendees will be able to preview the new software at the event. This move marks a major milestone for the company’s ftwilliam.com portfolio, creating a modern valuation system.
As the market leader in cloud-based content and solutions for retirement service providers, Wolters Kluwer has continuously invested in ftwilliam.com’s integrated cloud-based software, further strengthening their reputation in the marketplace for driving innovation, streamlining workflows and providing world-class customer support. Unlike existing DB Val software, ftwilliam.com’s latest software will create a modern DB Val system alleviating the business risks inherent in dated, non-web-based software. The integration with ftwilliam.com document and forms software – as well as a new census module –will eliminate the pain point of duplicative data entry for combination plan valuations, testing, and proposals.
Built in close consultation with an advisory group of experienced retirement service providers, including Economic Group Pension Services, Inc. (EGPS), The Retirement Advantage, Inc. (TRA), Actuarial Consulting Group, AimPoint and other well-known retirement service providers, ftwilliam.com’s Defined Benefit Valuation software handles traditional defined benefit, cash balance and combination plans.
“ftwilliam.com provides us with the true integration and modern software we need for our firm,” said Matt Schoneman, President of The Retirement Advantage, Inc. “Their innovative functionality and integration across modules remove operational inefficiencies and thus increase our ability to grow our businesses and improve profitability overall.”
Features of the new software include:
- Seamless integration across ftwilliam.com software modules
- Modern, clean and intuitive user interface
- Integrated proposal options
- Combination plan features: testing, valuation, and proposals
- Full traditional DB and case balance valuation calculations
- Full testing module, including integrated Defined Benefit and Cash Balance/Defined Contribution testing
- Integrated census for Defined Benefit/Defined Contribution and Cash Balance/Defined Contribution combination plans
- Streamlined ability to import and edit census on both Defined Benefit/Cash Balance and Defined Contribution plans
Wolters Kluwer is the proud gold sponsor of the event, which brings together pension actuaries and professionals to discuss the latest regulations affecting actuaries in the pension field. To learn more about the 2019 ACOPA Actuarial Symposium, visit: https://www.asppa.org/acopa/actuarial-symposium
For more information on ftwilliam.com’s Defined Benefit Valuation software, or the suite in general, please contact Dave Young, Director of ftwilliam.com Sales, at 1-877-203-0277.
ftwilliam.com, a product suite of Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory U.S., offers employee benefit professionals modern and cloud-based plan document (including defined contribution and defined benefit), government forms (5500, 1099 and 5300), compliance testing and reporting, and distribution tracking software. Easy-to-use, integrated, and world-class customer support make ftwilliam.com the perfect solution for employee benefits professionals. ftwilliam.com’s integrated cloud-based software has become a major force within the retirement services industry, driving innovation, streamlining workflows, and providing world-class customer support. To learn more about ftwilliam.com and the new DB Val software, visit http://product.ftwilliam.com/products/retirement-plan-documents/