Peak season compression issues aren’t new to accounting firms, but why struggle through another tax season unnecessarily? By utilizing Xpitax's experienced and skilled tax preparers to supplement your in-house staff, your firm can:
Focus in-house efforts on higher-margin consulting and advisory services
Create better work-life balance and balance employee workloads during high compression periods
Alleviate compression issues without quality loss
Realize significant cost savings and boost profit margins
Outsource with the confidence that engagement details and client information remains secure at all times
On average, prepared tax returns with review notes are returned within 12—36 hours of submission. And it’s not necessary to change existing processes — Xpitax will follow your firm’s existing processes and uses the same tax prep software you’re using today.
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Taking the stress out of tax season with Xpitax Tax Outsourcing
According to data, firms who are using XCM® Solutions are in a comparable place to last year’s 9/15 deadline, despite the impacts of COVID-19. But those who also utilize Xpitax Tax Outsourcing are over 9% ahead of the national pace.
Learn why firms like yours are leveraging Xpitax Tax Outsourcing during Tax Season.
Attend an upcoming Xpitax Tax Outsourcing webinar
Additional resources
Focus on firm operations eNewsletter
The evolving accountant eBook series