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Whats Included
Cost-effective access to nearly 50 journals that help meet student and instructor needs at 2-year nursing programs.
Nursing professionals face many challenges in their mission to improve patient care. More than ever before, their education on nursing fundamentals is essential to the success of their continuing education, practice, and professional development. This nursing solution provides high-quality content from the industry gold standard—Lippincott Williams & Wilkins—carefully selected and backed by Ovid’s practicing nurse professionals.
Nursing professionals face many challenges in their mission to improve patient care. More than ever before, their education on nursing fundamentals is essential to the success of their continuing education, practice, and professional development. This nursing solution provides high-quality content from the industry gold standard—Lippincott Williams & Wilkins—carefully selected and backed by Ovid’s practicing nurse professionals.
- Product Type:
- Collection
- Specialty:
- Nursing
- Language:
- English
- Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal
- Advances in Neonatal Care
- Advances in Nursing Science
- Advances in Skin & Wound Care
- AJN The American Journal of Nursing
- Cancer Nursing
- CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Critical Care Nursing Quarterly
- Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing
- Family & Community Health
- Gastroenterology Nursing
- Health Care Management Review
- Holistic Nursing Practice
- Home Healthcare Now
- JBI Evidence Synthesis
- JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration
- JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation - (Closed FrontFile)
- Journal for Nurses in Professional Development
- Journal of Addictions Nursing
- Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing
- Journal of Christian Nursing
- Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing
- Journal of Infusion Nursing
- Journal of Nursing Care Quality
- Journal of Patient Safety
- Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, The
- Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association
- Journal of Trauma Nursing
- Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing
- LPN- (Closed Frontfile)
- MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing
- Nurse Educator
- Nurse Practitioner, The
- Nursing Administration Quarterly
- Nursing Made Incredibly Easy
- Nursing Management
- Nursing Research
- Nursing2020 Critical Care from 2015 (Closed FrontFile)
- Nursing2024
- Nutrition Today
- OR Nurse
- Orthopaedic Nursing
- Plastic and Aesthetic Nursing
- Professional Case Management