LegalNovember 21, 2023

Efficiently Manage SEC Disclosure and Compliance Risks

Amid a rapidly changing legal and regulatory environment, corporations, now more than ever, need to manage their SEC disclosure and compliance risks effectively.

That's where RBsourceFilings by Wolters Kluwer comes into play – your trusted, all-in-one solution ensuring your SEC disclosures and policies align seamlessly with the most current regulations.

During this session, we will showcase how you can:

  • Find Answers Quickly: Effortlessly navigate and explore current Laws and Regulations, Forms, and SEC Guidance with an intuitive interface and redline comparisons to past versions.
  • Stay Informed Instantly: Our SEC Form checklists promptly notify you of updates, providing direct links to changes and associated guidance for quick action.
  • Benchmark with Confidence: Utilize powerful tools to locate and benchmark SEC Filings, enabling insightful analysis of peer disclosures on key issues.
  • Gain Strategic Insights: Delve into SEC No-Action Letters, SEC Staff Comment Letters, Private Placements, and Law Firm Perspectives, offering invaluable guidance into the SEC's evolving focus.

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Webinar Panel Session
Effectively Manage SEC Disclosure and Compliance Risks
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