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Advanced Insights Software

The Forecasting feature allows you to use finsit to project future scenarios. These financial insights are based on historic data samples and future variables of your choosing.


The Forecasting feature allows you to use finsit to project future scenarios.
These financial insights are based on historic data samples and future variables of your choosing.

By using Forecasting, you can project:


Balance sheets


Profit and loss


Cash Flow

Financial forecasting with finsit is therefore threefold. It gives your clients fully-rounded financial insights for the foreseeable future


Building Scenarios

Each financial forecast generated by finsit starts with a Main Scenario. This forms the principal metric of your financial forecasting. You can also add secondary scenarios which are displayed as sub-lines. These allow you to forecast the most likely outcome if a particular financial circumstance changes.

The finsit forecast includes a best case and worst case output. You can tailor your forecast with ease by adjusting the income and cost figures. This means that financial insights you draw from finsit cover all bases.

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