Legal07 February, 2024

“It makes our work much easier.”

Law firm BAAKN in Antwerp has found the ideal partner in Kleos for the digitalisation of their office. We are happy to let them explain why Kleos makes their daily work easier.

BAAKN was founded in 2022 when Master Benjamin De Roeck and Master Steven Geerts joined forces. It currently employs seven lawyers, including the two partners, and a secretary. BAAKN has offices in both Antwerp and Bornem and offers its clients both professional and personal legal support. 

The firm is putting a lot of effort into modernisation and digitalisation, and when they were looking for new software to manage their files, they came across Kleos. 

"Kleos is a comprehensive package that makes our work much easier," says Isabelle Jacobs. "The link from the secretariat to us and the possibility of making corrections are a great added value. I also find the Kleos app on my mobile phone incredibly useful. I often use it when I go to court and want to make a quick call to a client".

"I find Kleos very useful for tasks, their follow-up and agenda management," adds Master Fabienne Guffens. "It's always up to date and available, so you can't forget anything. In fact, everything is in Kleos. It also makes it easy for us to work from home.

This is confirmed by colleague Master Matthias Janssens: "Kleos is not only user-friendly and intuitive, but it is also very easy to work remotely. You always have all your files at your fingertips, wherever you are. Whether I'm working at home or in court, I always have quick access to my files".

"I would definitely recommend Kleos to other lawyers," concludes Master Matthias Machtelinckx. "It is modern, user-friendly software with very good technical support.

In short, BAAKN is strongly committed to digitalisation and has found the ideal partner for this strategy in Kleos.

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