Enhance your audit through data analytics

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For external auditors who are challenged to improve audit productivity while delivering strategic insights, Teammate® Analytics helps you to easily perform powerful data analysis to deliver value to your audit engagements.

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The familiarity all auditors have with Excel makes TeamMate Analytics extremely intuitive and user-friendly.
TeamMate Analytics Customer

TeamMate Analytics core capabilities

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Watch a walkthrough of core capabilities
Whether you’re interested in our 150+ test library, making data preparation easier, automating a workflow of tests, or enhancing reporting, TeamMate Analytics has you covered. Check out our videos below to see how every auditor can accomplish these tasks and more with TeamMate Analytics.
  • Test Library
  • Manipulate Data
  • Workflow of Tests
  • Continuous Auditing and Monitoring
  • Visualize and Report
TeamMate Analytics core capabilities text library video walkthrough still
Test Library
The Test Library contains more than 150 fully documented tests. Tests are available in many common audit areas and assist auditors in what to look for. Full and concise descriptions of the tests, when it is most useful, what data is necessary, and how to run the tests, are also provided. In most cases, workflows are pre-built so tests can run in a few clicks.
TeamMate Analytics core capabilities data prep video walkthrough still
Manipulate data
Often auditors need to prepare data for analysis by performing various data manipulations. TeamMate Analytics provides many easy-to-use tools to manipulate text, dates, times, and numbers, to join data together or break data apart. These tools allow data to be formatted appropriately for further analysis. Customers have mentioned that TeamMate Analytics data manipulation tools have saved them hours of effort.
TeamMate Analytics core capabilities Expert Analyzer video walkthrough still
Workflows of tests
TeamMate Analytics comes with standard workflows of tests that auditors can modify or build on their own. These workflows can be built by auditors in a point and click, no-code environment. Additionally, workflows can be shared with others, giving auditors the ability to share their expertise with everyone on their team.
TeamMate Analytics core capabilities Continuous Analyzer video walkthrough still
Continuous auditing and monitoring
The Continuous Analyzer allows auditors to automate scheduled runs of an Expert Analyzer workflow. This can be set based on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule, or when another process has been completed. Data sources can be refreshed, exception criteria can be specified and notifications can be set without requiring IT involvement, servers, or coding.
TeamMate Analytics core capabilities visualize and report video walkthrough still
Visualize and report
With the knowledge that charts and graphs can make data much clearer, TeamMate Analytics provides multiple mechanisms for creating visualizations. These mechanisms can be used to help initially interpret the data or to communicate findings to others. Included in an Expert Analyzer workflow, multiple visualizations when shown side by side can tell a compelling story.

Awards and Recognition

TeamMate Analytics, winner in audit technology by K2 Quality Awards
TeamMate Analytics, Bronze Stevie®, New Product of the Year in Governance, Risk, & Compliance Solutions, American Business Awards

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