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Legal15 February, 2023

How you can benefit from hybrid and virtual AGMs, and online voting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is one of the primary corporate governance vehicles as it gives all individuals the opportunity to take part in company affairs and decisions, thus, to drive change and growth opportunities. AGMs are supposed to be a moment to connect with your membership and to ensure democratic participation in the business.

Therefore, effective organisation and creating an environment conducive to participation are among the key factors to succeed in your AGM: you need to ensure that your event supplies transparency, accountability, and integrity, to company governance and decision-making.

However, organising an AGM may be a stressful moment for corporate lawyers and executive officers who need to face several challenges, such as the necessity to gather thousands of attendees from different countries and reach a Quorum. In addition, you are requested to handle several procedures, before and during the event, which require a considerable amount of time, effort, and costs, and may be extremely lengthy and error-prone if you rely on manual processes.

Besides, the importance of security is for an AGM of the utmost importance, and you must ensure that transparency and accuracy of voting are safeguarded by adopting reliable and efficient methods.

Why you should consider adopting a demateralisation solution for your next AGM

The risk of errors is extremely high if you do not equip yourself with digital tools, and it can erode trust within your group and jeopardize the company.  A manual system of collecting votes may be very costly and it would be hard to get a clear visibility on voting history and proxy assignment, and that may challenge the integrity of the meeting and its results, generating mistrust towards the whole leadership and organisation.

dematerialisation solution can help you streamline and optimise key processes of general meetings, such as voting, resulting in a more secure, transparent and efficient AGM.

It is fundamental that the meeting’s integrity and validity would not be challenged. With a virtual AGM platform, you are enabled to create a secure and smooth election or live vote  in just a few steps, offer your shareholders the flexibility to vote from anywhere in the world, and safeguard the integrity of your results and the trust earned among your shareholders.

An online voting system allows your organisation to save valuable time, as you can send out electronic ballots to all your voters in just a few clicks, simplifying the whole voting process by centralising all votes in a secure area, lowering costs and limiting the risk of errors.

As a main takeaway, virtual and prove to be more effective, and they offer greater flexibility that companies cannot achieve with traditional and outdated paper-based methods.

Are you curious to discover all the advantages of running your AGM in a hybrid or virtual format? Check out our whitepaper to succeed at your next AGMs!

Whitepaper: Digitalise your general meeting
Read our whitepaper to find out more insights and benefits of virtual and hybrid AGMs, and how enabling online voting can help you safeguard and strengthen good corporate governance.
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