BizFilings' Filing Guarantee

BizFilings guarantees its services against filing defects caused by BizFilings for the life of your corporation or LLC. Filing services covered by this warranty include:

  • Articles of Incorporation. The Articles of Incorporation (sometimes called a Certificate of Incorporation or charter) document is the the primary legal document of a corporation. Articles of Incorporation are filed with the state to begin a corporation's existence. The Articles of Incorporation contain basic information on the corporation as required by state law. BizFilings prepares and files the Articles of Incorporation as part of its incorporation service.
  • Articles of Organization. LLCs must file Articles of Organization (sometime called a Certificate of Organization or Certificate of Formation) with the proper state authorities to begin existence. The Articles of Organization for a LLC are very similar to a corporation's Articles of Incorporation. BizFilings prepares and files the Articles of Organization as part of its incorporation service for LLCs.
  • Amendments. The Articles of Amendment (sometimes called a Certificate of Amendment) document is a legal document filed with your state of incorporation or a state in which your company has registered to transact business (foreign qualified) in order to enact a specific change to your company's incorporation or foreign qualification documents. Articles of Amendment must be filed with the state in order to make a change to the majority of the information included in the incorporation and/or foreign qualification documents.
  • DBAs. A doing business as (DBA) name, also called an assumed name, trade name or fictitious business name, is typically completed by making a filing at the county level where the business is located. This filing does not change the official name of the company; however, it allows the company to conduct business using a new or additional name.
  • Foreign Qualifications. If your company expects to transact business outside your state of incorporation, your company may be required to qualify as a foreign corporation or foreign LLC. BizFilings files the necessary paperwork (a Certificate of Authority) to qualify your business as a foreign corporation or LLC in any of the 50 states or Washington DC.
  • Name Reservations. The name of a corporation or LLC must be distinguishable on the records of the state government. If this requirement is not met, the state will reject the articles/certificate. If you'd like to secure a business name before you are ready to incorporate or register your company to transact business in a state other than the state of incorporation (foreign qualify), a name can be reserved, usually for 120 days, by applying with the proper state authorities and paying a fee.
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