Group of women in office meeting around a laptop
ConformitéFinance Fiscalité et comptabilité18 mai, 2021

Enabling constraints: Helping agile ways of working to stick

I’d like to introduce the concept of enabling constraints as a way of changing the system. Better than that, change and behaviours that will stick and have longevity – and
avoid “rubber band syndrome”; things quickly returning to the way they were before.
I have found enabling constraints to be a powerful way of making improvements and embedding behaviours that stick. Let me explain further and give you some internal
audit examples.
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Mark Williams bio headshot
Agility in internal audit consultant, coach, trainer and keynote speaker
After four years of experience helping auditors and audit leaders embrace more agile ways of working, Mark is widely regarded as the industry-leading expert on agility in internal audit and compliance.

TeamMate+ Audit

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