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ComplianceFinanceNovember 08, 2022

What kind of institution can benefit from working with Lien Solutions?

Banks, credit unions, factors, vehicle & equipment financiers, agricultural and solar lenders, real property lenders, and lending intermediaries have varying workflows throughout the lending process.

While the specific regulatory and business requirements differ, the challenges remain the same: tedious manual processes, divergent regulations, and difficulty keeping track of loan documents.

These organizations can benefit from workflow optimization to improve efficiency and borrower experience. With artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics tools designed specifically for lenders, processes are automated, and redundant workflows are eliminated.

This results in fewer errors when filing or managing a lien or title. Staff can also shift their focus to the core of their job description to focus on improving borrower experience.

Learn how organizations can benefit from Lien Solutions tools in this exclusive conversation with Kathy Ireland on Worldwide Business:

Conversation with Kathy Ireland
Robb Zurek
Senior Marketing Manager
Robb Zurek is Senior Marketing Manager for Wolters Kluwer Lien Solutions. Zurek’s primary focus is thought leadership, and content and demand generation. He creates and implements key marketing initiatives to position the company as an industry leader in providing lien management, risk management, and life-of-loan services. 
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