Finance01 srpna, 2023

Wolters Kluwer records third consecutive year of success in Dresner’s Wisdom of Crowds® EPM Market Study

CCH® Tagetik named an “Overall Leader” in Customer Experience and Vendor Credibility models.

Wolters Kluwer, a global leader in professional information, software solutions, and services, has been named an “Overall Leader” in the Customer Experience Model and Vendor Credibility Model for its CCH® Tagetik expert solution in the 2023 Wisdom of Crowds® EPM Market Study published by Dresner Advisory Services, for a third consecutive year.  

CCH Tagetik earned the position of best in class for overall usability, understanding business needs, product scalability, and overall integrity. Wisdom of Crowds® is a yearly analytical snapshot of the industry, based on customer input across a comprehensive 33-criteria vendor performance measurement system to collate and compare vendor performance data in planning technology and services. The 2023 report records data taken from customer reviews submitted in 2023. The Vendor Credibility Model measures how customers “feel” about their vendor including perceived value for the price paid, integrity, and whether they would recommend their vendor. The Customer Experience Model gauges the real-world customer experience, measuring customer sentiment surrounding the product and all touch points including pre and after sales engagement. 

The success in both categories reflects the comprehensive nature of the CCH® Tagetik platform, which is available in standard or SAP HANA versions. It is an intelligent platform offering a broad range of solutions addressing extended planning, financial close and consolidation, ESG and regulatory requirements, and corporate tax including Global Minimum Tax.  

“Businesses are currently facing significant and multiple headwinds”, says Howard Dresner, Founder, and Chief Research Officer of Dresner Advisory Services. “It is essential, therefore, that solution providers are fluent in the language of customer service and work extremely hard to genuinely understand their customers’ objectives, cultures, and pressures. We congratulate Wolters Kluwer CCH® Tagetik for its strong performance in this year’s customer-driven analysis of the market.” 

"For the third consecutive year, we have demonstrated our determination to stay close to our customers and deliver solutions which move the dial in terms of supporting their operations,” says Ralf Gärtner, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Corporate Performance Solutions at Wolters Kluwer. “Our success in being named an “Overall Leader” in both the Customer Experience and Vendor Credibility Models, reflects the quality and hard work of our teams, and their wholehearted commitment to constantly improving the customer experience.” 

O společnosti Wolters Kluwer

Wolters Kluwer (EURONEXT: WKL) je globálním lídrem v poskytování informací, softwarových řešení a služeb pro profesionály zejména v oblasti zdravotnictví, daní a účetnictví, dodržování finančních a podnikových předpisů, práva a regulace, podnikové výkonnosti a v sektorech ESG. Každý den pomáháme klientům činit důležitá rozhodnutí prostřednictvím expertních řešení, která kombinují hluboké znalosti dané problematiky s technologiemi a službami.

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