Behavioral Health Collections on Ovid®️

Quickly expand your library of Psychiatry, Psychology, Psychopharmacology, and Addiction Disorder content with top-ranked publications. Augment your resources with specialty topics, such as Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, Geriatric and Forensic Psychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing. With these collections, mental health providers and students can learn about new methodologies, treatments, and technologies. Integrate these Behavioral Health Collections with your institution’s other Ovid-subscribed resources.

Behavioral Health Book Library

  • Features over 25 books covering general psychiatry and psychology topics, as well as a range of specialty areas, such as Addiction Disorders, Forensic Psych, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, Geriatric Psychiatry, Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, Neuropsychology, and Psychopharmacology.

Behavioral Health Journal Library

  • Easy access to issues and articles, including multimedia content, from over 20 journals in Psychiatry and Psychology
  • New article and issue alerting tools that are a core functionality of Journals@Ovid

Behavioral Health Bundled Library — Purchase

  • This comprehensive collection includes nearly 50 books and journal archives from some of the leading resources in the field, covering similar topics and subspecialties as featured in the Behavioral Health Book Collection.
  • Subcollections in Addition Disorders, Forensic Psych, Psychiatry, Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology, Geriatric Psychiatry, Mental Health Nursing, Neuropsychiatry, and Psychopharmacology

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