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Trusted by pharmacists, physicians, and other health professionals, Lexidrug is the preferred drug reference solution that provides convenient access to the information you need to answer your medication-related questions all in a single resource. Where other solutions may provide the basics, Lexidrug has an unparalleled commitment to supporting clinicians as they make decisions not only in straightforward cases but also in the most complex.

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“I use Lexicomp throughout my workday as a clinical pharmacist. It’s the most thorough and efficient way to access information I need on administration, dosing, storage, interactions, hazardous handling, compatibility, and pricing, all in one spot. When I attend and assist in Code Blue response or other emergencies it is an indispensable portable trove of information. I couldn’t do without this and have suggested it to many colleagues. I’m so glad that at the beginning of my career in 2013, someone recommended it to me.“

- Elizabeth Ryan-Long, Pharmacist, United States

Two doctors talking to hospital administrator
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