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Available via, this interactive resource for Internal Medicine residents, residency directors, and staff clinicians offers the right mix of textbooks, video clips, self-assessments, and Q&As to help them confidently provide patient care and achieve success on specialty and certification exams.
- 24 foundational and basic science resources integral to the various rotations for Internal Medicine residents
- Procedural and clinical video clips, as well as video tutorials from residents at the Washington University School of Medicine
- Q&A and self-assessments, organized by topic, that allow users to track their performance
- Books are continually updated with the most current edition
- Sophisticated semantic search targeted to the key diagnoses residents encounter in their intern year
- Clean, user-friendly display of book pages, including tables, images, and linked references
- Multiple chapter views including full chapter, figures only, or tables only
- Subject list displays on textbook browse page for easy navigation, allowing users to filter by subject in search results
- Images downloadable directly into a PPT template
- All content optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile usage
- MyHealthLibrary account option: allows users to set up email alerts when new content is added, among other personalization functionality
- Ovid Medline widget, for users to quickly search MEDLINE (if their institution subscribes to MEDLINE)
Who uses LWW Health Library: Internal Medicine?
- Residents! Get ready for rounds with patients, other residents and attendings; study for Board and other exams; deepen clinical knowledge and learning.
- Residency program directors! Create course material with book sections and chapters and multimedia assets.
- Clinicians! Devise care plans for patients using self-assessments and treatment information.
Key books include:
- Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, 36th ed.
- Pocket Medicine, 7th ed.
- Primary Care Medicine, 7th ed.
- Sapira’s Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis, 5th ed.
- More than 10 Washington Manual Subspecialty Consults
- 24 foundational and basic science resources integral to the various rotations for Internal Medicine residents
- Procedural and clinical video clips, as well as video tutorials from residents at the Washington University School of Medicine
- Q&A and self-assessments, organized by topic, that allow users to track their performance
- Books are continually updated with the most current edition
- Sophisticated semantic search targeted to the key diagnoses residents encounter in their intern year
- Clean, user-friendly display of book pages, including tables, images, and linked references
- Multiple chapter views including full chapter, figures only, or tables only
- Subject list displays on textbook browse page for easy navigation, allowing users to filter by subject in search results
- Images downloadable directly into a PPT template
- All content optimized for desktop, tablet, and mobile usage
- MyHealthLibrary account option: allows users to set up email alerts when new content is added, among other personalization functionality
- Ovid Medline widget, for users to quickly search MEDLINE (if their institution subscribes to MEDLINE)
Who uses LWW Health Library: Internal Medicine?
- Residents! Get ready for rounds with patients, other residents and attendings; study for Board and other exams; deepen clinical knowledge and learning.
- Residency program directors! Create course material with book sections and chapters and multimedia assets.
- Clinicians! Devise care plans for patients using self-assessments and treatment information.
Key books include:
- Washington Manual® of Medical Therapeutics, 36th ed.
- Pocket Medicine, 7th ed.
- Primary Care Medicine, 7th ed.
- Sapira’s Art & Science of Bedside Diagnosis, 5th ed.
- More than 10 Washington Manual Subspecialty Consults
- Product Type:
- Collection
- Specialty:
- Internal Medicine
- Language:
- English
- 5-Minute Anesthesia Consult
- A Visual Guide to ECG Interpretation
- A&A Practice
- Alzheimer's Care Today
- Anatomic Exposures in Vascular Surgery
- ASA Refresher Courses in Anesthesiology
- Bailey’s Head & Neck Surgery Otolaryngology
- Barash, Cullen, and Stoelting's Clinical Anesthesia
- Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Hematology
- Core Curriculum for Ambulatory Care Nursing
- JBJS Case Connector
- JBJS Essential Surgical Techniques
- Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy
- Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
- Lippincott Nursing Drug Guide
- Mulholland and Greenfield's Surgery: Scientific Principles & Practice
- Neurology Clinical Practice
- Pediatric Hand and Upper Limb Surgery: A Practical Guide
- Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology
- Psychiatric Interview, The
- Real Living with Multiple Sclerosis
- Science
- Scope and Standards of Practice for Professional Telehealth Nursing
- Surgical Exposures in Foot & Ankle Surgery: The Anatomic Approach
- Survey of Anesthesiology
- Techniques in Knee Surgery
- Techniques in Neurosurgery Extended Archive
- Techniques in Ophthalmology
- The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery
- Trauma Practice