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We believe

Risks can only be managed when completely understood

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The barrier based risk approach

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Visual barrier based software solutions

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Learn about barrier based risk management 

Don’t take our word for it…

Barrier failure or weakening is often a causal factor in accidents and incidents. State Supervision of Mines uses bowties to identify the weak barriers by analyzing different incidents.

The insights from the bowties are helpful in assisting the gas network operators with their safety programs.
State Supervision of Mines
Rijksoverheid logo
Some people were a bit skeptical, until we started making bowties in BowTieXP. They could actually see the progression of the threat, through the top event, ultimately ending up with the undesirable consequence, and what controls are in place to prevent this. If we had to do exactly the same in a text document, it would have to be a very large document to cover the same information. The bowtie format is very effective.
Civil Aviation Authority
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