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Golden Bridge Gold Badge
CCH Parliament Wins Gold
2024 Golden Bridge Award for Content Technologies and Information Management (Business Information Solutions Category)
International Business Awards 2023 Stevie Winner Silver
CCH Parliament Wins Silver
2023 International Business Award in the Business Information Solution category
2023 Golden Bridge Awards - Bronze
CCH Parliament Wins Bronze
2023 Golden Bridge Award in the Business Information Solution category
2023 Stevie Winner, Asia-Pacific Stevie Award, gold
CCH Parliament Wins Gold
2023 Asia Pacific Stevie Award for Innovation in Business Information

Your CCH Political Alert subscription includes:

  • Alerts delivered via email covering political, government and legislative information tailored to your needs
  • Website mailbox featuring all the archived political alerts for future reference
  • Access to research support, document retrieval and media release distribution services
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  • Unmatched speed of delivery with updates delivered in real-time
  • Unbiased information straight from our Expert team based at Parliament House, Canberra
  • Cut out the noise with Australian Federal and State Government news in addition to New Zealand Central and Local Government news tailored to your specific interest areas.

What type of content will I receive?

  • Press releases and announcements, interview transcripts and speeches
  • Legislation and regulation (includes alerts on Bills, Acts, Regulations, Gazettes, Rulings)
  • Transcripts of parliamentary and committee proceedings (includes Hansard extracts, Programs)
  • Reports and publications

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