Earning and redeeming CME and MOC

Put time spent researching clinical questions with UpToDate toward continuing professional development requirements. In this section, learn how easy it is to earn and redeem CME and fulfill MOC/CC requirements.

Swipe tabs left/right to view more topics

  • Continuing Medical Education Tracking
  • Fulfill ABMS and State Board MOC/CC requirements

Earn and redeem CME

To earn CME/CE/CPD credit, you must be a registered user affiliated with an organization that licenses UpToDate or an individual subscriber.

Each accrediting body recognizes one of two tracking methods. UpToDate offers both of these methods. Visit www.uptodate.com/cme for a current list of accrediting organizations.

  • Point-of-care learning — tracks research question, topics reviewed, and user documentation of how information was applied in practice.
  • Time-based tracking system — tracks length of time user spends reading a topic (up to 10 mins per topic per session).
video screen - CME/CE/CPD Credits
Los médicos pueden utilizar el tiempo que ya dedican a investigar sobre preguntas médicas con UpToDate para continuar con los requisitos de desarrollo profesional sin costo ni pruebas adicionales.
EMC en el móvil
screenshot of CME redemption screen in UpToDate
Aprenda a homologar rápida y fácilmente créditos EMC/EC/DPC desde la aplicación móvil de UpToDate.

Additional information

  • How to change CME Settings

    Your CME/CE/CPD setting determines the type of credit you receive from UpToDate.

    The default CME setting is AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. To change your setting, click the CME/CE/CPD link located in the top navigation menu then select Settings from the left menu.

    To change the default setting:

    • Click the CME/CE/CPD link located in the top navigation, then select Settings from the left menu. Or click My Account from the drop down, then select Settings under CME/MOC/State.
    • Note: On the mobile app, select the CME/MOC/State menu item from the hamburger menu on the top right hand side.

    Desktop View

    CME settings and edit page

    Mobile View

    mobile CME settings 
    • Click Edit under the CME Credit Type tab and select the desired default setting from the list of CME/CE/CPD offerings.

    Desktop View

    CME settings page

    Mobile View

    mobile CME credit type 
    • Click Save at the bottom of the page. 

    CME credits are earned automatically when using the UpToDate search feature. If you view an article without first performing a search, you will not earn CME credits.

  • How to redeem CME

    Log in to UpToDate and click the CME link in the top navigation menu.

    On mobile, access the CME dashboard by clicking on the CME/MOC/State menu item in the hamburger menu on the top right hand side.

    • Click “Select Credits” to access credit for which you have yet to complete the required reflection.
    • For credits you’ve already reflected on, click “Redeem Now.”

    Desktop View

    CME select credits and redeem now

    Mobile View

    CME mobile select and redeem credits

    Credits will be displayed by “Credit Count” (see most recent earned credits by count) or by “Month Range” (see most recent earned credits over a time frame of your choice).

    • Select the credits you want to redeem and click “Continue.”
    • You may also choose to display only reflected credits.
    • If redeeming from a mobile device, tap each credit once to select.

    Desktop View

    CME step one select credits

    Mobile View

    mobile CME select credits

    Upon clicking “Continue”, if you are a point-of-care user, you will be asked to reflect on the goal of your search and the way you applied this information to your practice. Once completed, your credits will turn green.

    Note: You may choose to complete the reflection for your search while you are in a topic. See the in-topic CME section below for more details.

    Desktop View

    CME reflect on credits

    Mobile View

    mobile CME reflect on credits

    Upon clicking “Continue,” you will be asked to answer some evaluation questions. Answer the questions and click “Submit.”

    Desktop View

    CME step three evaluate

    Mobile View

    mobile CME evaluation

    After you submit your evaluation, you will be brought to the CME History page, where you can view, download, and print your certificate and activity log.

    Desktop View

    CME history

    Mobile View

    mobile CME credit reedeeming


  • How to complete in-topic CME reflection

    When accessing a topic related to a new search, a check mark icon will appear in the navigation bar.

    Clicking the icon displays a reflection panel. Complete the reflection for a search from within the topic and click “Save”.

    CME shoulder dislocation page 

    Visit the CME link in the top toolbar, and click on Redeem CME in the left panel. The topic for which the in-topic reflection was completed will display when “Only show reflected credits” is marked.

    CME only show reflected credits

Downloads and related links

Earn and redeem MOC/CC

To fulfill MOC/CC requirements, you must be a registered user affiliated with an organization that licenses UpToDate or an individual subscriber.

Physicians can use the time they spend with UpToDate to meet the MOC/CC requirements of several certifying boards. For some boards, learner completion information is sent electronically (direct credit reporting).

Visit the UpToDate Professional Development page for a list of participating state medical boards and certifying boards, including those participating in direct credit reporting. The recognition statements for participating boards in the US are also available.

video screen - Fulfill ABIM MOC Requirements
Clinicians can use credits earned from use of UpToDate to fulfill MOC requirements of several ABMS boards.

Additional information

  • How to confirm your CME tracking setting

    Participating MOC/CC boards accept AMA PRA Category 1 Credit

    Confirm that AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ is selected as the default CME tracking setting by clicking the CME link in the top navigation menu to access the CME dashboard.

    To change the setting:

    • Click the CME/CE/CPD link located in the top navigation, then select Settings from the left menu. Or click My Account from the drop down, then select Settings under CME/MOC/State.
    • Note: On the mobile app, select the CME/MOC/State menu item from the hamburger menu on the top right hand side.

    Desktop View

    CME settings and edit page

    Mobile View

    mobile CME settings

    • Click Edit under the CME Credit Type tab and select the desired default setting from the list of CME/CE/CPD offerings. 

    Desktop View

    CME settings page

    Mobile View

    mobile CME credit type

    • Click Save at the bottom of the page.
  • How to add your MOC or State Certifying Board

    To submit credit directly to your participating MOC/CC board, you will need to add a board to your account.

    1. From the (1) Settings link in the left hand navigation, select (2) MOC Boards or State Boards.
    2. You will be asked to (3) enter your name and birth date. (4) Click Save.
    3. (5) Select your board from the drop down menu. Enter the required information as it appears on your Board paperwork (visit the Board website for questions regarding your Board ID) and click the Save button.

    Desktop View

    MOC boards

    Mobile View

    MOC boards on mobile

  • How to redeem credits

    Log in to UpToDate and click the CME link in the top navigation menu.

    On mobile, access the CME dashboard by clicking on the CME/MOC/State menu item in the hamburger menu on the top right hand side.

    • Click “Select Credits” to access credit for which you have yet to complete the required reflection.
    • For credits you’ve already reflected on, click “Redeem Now."

    Desktop View

    CME select credits and redeem now

    Mobile View

    CME mobile select and redeem credits

    Credits will be displayed by “Credit Count” (see most recent earned credits by count) or by “Month Range” (see most recent earned credits over a time frame of your choice).

    • Select the credits you want to redeem and click “Continue.”
    • You may also choose to display only reflected credits.
    • If redeeming from a mobile device, tap each credit once to select

    Desktop View

    CME step one select credits

    Mobile View

    CME mobile select and redeem credits

    mobile CME select credits

  • How to auto-submit redeemed credits

    Upon completing the reflection for selected credits, you will be prompted to submit an optional evaluation. (If you have previously completed your reflection, you will be brought directly to the evaluation after clicking Redeem Now from the CME dashboard).

    Upon submission of your evaluation, redeemed credits will be automatically and directly submitted to your participating MOC/CC certifying board.

    You will be brought to the CME History page, where you can view, download, and print your certificate and activity log.

Downloads and related links

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