• UpToDate Pathways and Lab Interpretation overview


UpToDate Advanced includes access to UpToDate Pathways and Lab Interpretation. UpToDate Pathways provide interactive guides to help you make appropriate decisions related to specific clinical questions based exclusively on content synthesized from UpToDate and the underlying evidence in society guidelines and in the literature. In cases where abnormal lab results may raise questions, Lab Interpretation monographs enable you to more quickly and accurately interpret and decide on next steps.

*Use of UpToDate Advanced requires a subscription. Please check with your organization to see if you have access to UpToDate Advanced.

video screen - Conducting a Search
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Com o UpToDate® Advanced no fluxo de trabalho, você pode ajudar a reduzir a variabilidade indesejada no cuidado dos seus pacientes usando protocolos interativos e baseados em evidências, relacionados a questões específicas e monografias laboratoriais para ajudar a interpretar rapidamente resultados anormais e escolher as próximas medidas.
video screen - Conducting a Search
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Encontre os guias em Pathways e as monografias em Lab Interpretation nos resultados da sua pesquisa.

Additional information

  • How to use UpToDate Pathways

    UpToDate Pathways provide interactive guides to help you make appropriate decisions related to specific clinical questions based exclusively on content synthesized from UpToDate and the underlying evidence in society guidelines and in the literature. Find a full list of available Pathways by selecting Pathways in the top toolbar, or conduct a search.

    After conducting a search, relevant Pathways will appear:

    1. Within the list of search results
    2. In the quick access panel to the right

    pathways heart failure

    Click on a Pathway. The dynamic flow chart is located on the left and the corresponding question and answer text-view is on the right. Follow the pathway nodes to get specific recommendations considering individual patient factors. The dynamic flow chart on the left side will continue concurrently with the text-view on the right.

    scope page heart failure pathways 

    Once you've answered a question, the "Review Assessment & Plan" button is activated and can be used at any time to help document the assessment.

    heart failure review assessment and plan

    The “Review Assessment and Plan” section includes a summary of the decisions made in the pathway, with a free text box for entering any notes. To document the pathway, click “copy assessment and plan to clipboard” to capture a record of the pathway used, the data that was used, plus information collected and decisions made within the pathway, to paste into the patient record.

    copy assessment and plan to clipboard 

    UpToDate Pathways are continuously updated to reflect new evidence. And it's easy to tell when there's important new information you may wish to consider. An orange dot next to the pathway title indicates a clinically significant update has been made. The update is prominently displayed at the top of the pathway.

    Find a full list of available Pathways by selecting Pathways in the top toolbar. For a quick view of Clinically Significant Updates, select the “clinically significant updates only” option at the top of the table of contents.

    clinically significant updates only 


  • Como usar o UpToDate Lab Interpretation

    O índice do Lab Interpretation pode ser encontrado no menu suspenso UpToDate Contents na barra de ferramentas azul, ou realizando uma pesquisa por exames e avaliações de alto volume. As monografias relevantes aparecerão nos resultados da pesquisa, representadas pelo ícone de um béquer.

    low chloride lab interpretation

    Clique no título da monografia do Lab Interpretation ou na imagem no painel de acesso rápido, para ver um resumo com orientações sobre o significado dos resultados anormais do exame, quais fatores podem afetar os resultados e o que fazer a seguir.

    Os gráficos estão destacados no lado direito da página. Os fluxogramas nas monografias do Lab Interpretation fornecem acesso rápido e fácil a questões relevantes a serem consideradas para um paciente com resultados anormais de testes, permitindo que você obtenha suas respostas rapidamente.

    low chloride expanded lab interpretation

Downloads and related links

  • What is UpToDate Advanced? View Article
  • How is UpToDate Advanced different from UpToDate topics? View Article
  • Can I earn CME credit for using UpToDate Advanced? View Article
  • UpToDate Advanced Quick Reference Card View PDF 

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