Kluwer Arbitration offers

Collaboration with core arbitration organizations - partnerships with ICCA, ITA, OUP, SIAC, HKIAC, CBAr, CFA, CIArb, ASA, and more.

Wealth of Content - in addition to primary resources, discover commentary from leading experts, an excellent collection of Journals, and an extended book collection including International Commercial Arbitration by Gary Born and Redfern and Hunter on International Arbitration.

Unique Content - the most comprehensive and fast-growing collection of international arbitration cases and decisions, including an unparalleled collection of awards and summaries by ICCA and the ITA Board of Reporters.

Latest Opinion - Wolters Kluwer's Arbitration Blog and Mediation Blog keep you abreast of market developments.


7,500+ Cases and Awards

Kluwer Arbitration also includes a comprehensive and continuously growing collection of arbitral decisions. The database includes the full text and associated data of both commercial and investment cases and awards, and also appointment data of arbitrators in numerous undisclosed arbitration cases.

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24 Journal archives

A unique collection of arbitration periodicals, normally including the full archive of all issues published

400+ Books

The world’s largest assortment of arbitration treatises, on any conceivable topic and including the classic treatises.

Other Content

In addition to a wealth of institutional, national, multinational and bilateral regulations, the ICCA Handbook and the Compare Jurisdiction Tool provide further insights through over 75 country reports by leading arbitrators, academics and practitioners on national arbitral practice and relevant national legislation.
Discover an unrivaled collection of court decisions on the enforcement, annulment and validity of arbitral awards, using the New York Convention tool. This tool provides easy access to the interpretation and application of the Convention by the courts, as exemplified by the continuously growing number of over 2,400 court decisions from over 90 countries. Users can browse cases by provision of the Convention, by topic (which in turn follow the sequence of the Convention's provisions) or by country, gaining quick access to all relevant court decisions.

Research the most popular and respected blogs (Arbitration Blog and Mediation Blog) and keep abreast of new developments as part of your research in Kluwer Arbitration.

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