Legal11 January, 2023

eBook: Eight steps to straight-through matter management

Practical tips and ideas to streamline workflows and mitigate risk

In the wake of the Great Resignation and the remote work revolution, institutional knowledge has largely left the building, leaving gaps in processes, increasing workloads, and a shrinking workforce.

Now, even in mid-size corporations, legal departments are turning to legal management technology to bring their operations up to speed.

From intake to outside counsel management to reporting and benchmarking, a comprehensive matter management solution can free up your staff for more strategic decision-making.

This eBook has eight steps you can take now to implement this type of straight-through matter management and increase productivity, control costs, and mitigate risks.

Download the eBook

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Enterprise legal management
Market-leading provider of enterprise legal spend and matter management, AI-powered legal bill review, and legal analytics solutions
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