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Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, The
- Editors:
- Olson, Curtis A.
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 1.6 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
- 0894-1912
Also Recommended
The official journal of the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions, the Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education, and the Council on CME, the Association for Hospital Medical Education.
This quarterly journal publishes articles relevant to theory, practice, and policy development for continuing education in the health sciences. It presents original research and essays on subjects involving the lifelong learning of professionals, with a focus on continuous quality improvement, competency assessment, and knowledge translation. In addition, the journal provides thoughtful advice to those who develop, conduct, and evaluate continuing education programs.
Issues contain:
- Original Research that includes detailed methods, data, analysis, and reporting of implications for research and practice; articles conclude with Lessons for Practice, summaries of key themes, or recommendations for application of the article's findings.
- Innovations in Continuing Education, with analysis and commentary exploring contemporary issues in professional healthcare education.
- Book Reviews of key publications in healthcare planning, policy, and continuing education.
The Alliance is a community of professionals dedicated to accelerating excellence in health care performance through education, advocacy, and collaboration.
The Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education promotes research, evaluation, and development of effective continuing medical education intended to improve the health of North Americans.
The Council on Continuing Medical Education, Association for Hospital Medical Education develops professional education programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of CME educators/administrators and facilitate the continued development of continuing medical education as a value added educational activity that provides a positive measurable impact on the quality of health care.
Front File - 2015 to Present
Archives available for purchase
This quarterly journal publishes articles relevant to theory, practice, and policy development for continuing education in the health sciences. It presents original research and essays on subjects involving the lifelong learning of professionals, with a focus on continuous quality improvement, competency assessment, and knowledge translation. In addition, the journal provides thoughtful advice to those who develop, conduct, and evaluate continuing education programs.
Issues contain:
- Original Research that includes detailed methods, data, analysis, and reporting of implications for research and practice; articles conclude with Lessons for Practice, summaries of key themes, or recommendations for application of the article's findings.
- Innovations in Continuing Education, with analysis and commentary exploring contemporary issues in professional healthcare education.
- Book Reviews of key publications in healthcare planning, policy, and continuing education.
The Alliance is a community of professionals dedicated to accelerating excellence in health care performance through education, advocacy, and collaboration.
The Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education promotes research, evaluation, and development of effective continuing medical education intended to improve the health of North Americans.
The Council on Continuing Medical Education, Association for Hospital Medical Education develops professional education programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of CME educators/administrators and facilitate the continued development of continuing medical education as a value added educational activity that provides a positive measurable impact on the quality of health care.
Front File - 2015 to Present
Archives available for purchase
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
- Product Type:
- Journal
- Author:
- Olson, Curtis A.
- 0894-1912
- Specialty:
- Health Professions
- Medical Education
- Language:
- English
- Update Frequency:
- Quarterly
- Coverage:
- See Description
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 1.6 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
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