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Código de Ética para Profesionales de la Enfermería con Declaraciones Interpretativas (Spanish Code of Ethics)
- Publication Year:
- 2022
- Edition:
- 4th
- Author:
- American Nurses Association
- Publisher:
- American Nurses Association, Inc
- 978-1-95-398552-1
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The Code of Ethics for Nursing Professionals with Interpretive Statements , made up of nine provisions, has the following purposes:
These nine provisions are broad, non-contextual statements of nurses' obligations. The first three describe the most fundamental values ​​and commitments of the nurse; the next three, the limits of duty and loyalty; the last three, the aspects of the tasks beyond the individual encounters with the patients. The other component of the Code, the interpretive statements, provide more specific guidance for applying each provision to current nursing practice.
This Code revision updates that framework by simplifying and more clearly articulating the 2001 Code in response to the complexities of modern nursing and in anticipation of advances in health care. Some highlights:
- Web-based resources enhanced the outreach and participation of the RN community in the development of the new Code.
- Minor revisions to provisions were made to reflect ongoing changes in nursing roles, settings, and concerns.
- The interpretive statements reflect the contemporary context of nursing and the broader scope of nursing interest in health, and therefore have been revised more extensively.
- A glossary of terms and an introduction to orient readers to the Code's terminology and structural changes.
Collectively, The Code of Ethics for Nursing Professionals with Interpretive Statements is the single essential resource on professional ethics for all registered nurses and nursing students.
- Platform:
- Ovid Espanol
- Publisher:
- American Nurses Association, Inc
- Product Type:
- Book
- Author:
- American Nurses Association
- 978-1-95-398552-1
- Specialty:
- General Interest Nursing
- Issues & Trends in Nursing
- Legal Issues
- Management & Administration
- Medical Law
- Ethics & Other Humanities
- Language:
- Spanish
- Edition:
- 4th
- Pages:
- 75
- Publication Year:
- 2022
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