This ebook was prepared by CCH Pinpoint Work Health and Safety Law in-house experts.

Industrial manslaughter offences now exist in four Australian states and territories — the ACT, Queensland, NT and Victoria. The offence also features Western Australia’s Work Health and Safety Act 2020, which is yet to take effect.

Industrial manslaughter offences provide for more severe consequences for workplace fatalities. To avoid being prosecuted for industrial manslaughter, PCBUs and officers should ensure that all fatal risks in the organisation are adequately understood and managed.

  • How can I have constant updates on Work Health and Safety Law issues? 

    This in-depth ebook is just a sample of CCH Pinpoint in-depth legal research and tools. To secure constant updates on how superior courts are interpreting and enforcing the harmonised WHS laws, sign up for a free 14-day trial.

  • What is CCH Pinpoint WHS Law? 

    CCH Pinpoint cuts out the noise by providing only relevant, in-depth legal research and tools all written by legal professionals, for legal professionals. It has been designed to deliver on-point material with very few clicks.

  • Why CCH Pinpoint WHS Law? 

    • Template Policies and Forms that can be tailored for organisations
    • Checklists assisting compliance with WHS duties
    • A Comparative Table providing a comparison of the model WHS Act with repealed (model jurisdictions) and current (non-model jurisdictions) OHS laws
    • WHS Sentencing Finder is designed to help lawyers identify an appropriate range of penalty in the context of a variety of circumstances and factors, such as the type of incident, the duty holder, and the offence charged


WHS Sentencing Finder Product Demo
WHS Sentencing Finder Product Demo
CCH Pinpoint WHS Law – Sentencing Finder
The WHS Sentencing Finder helps WHS lawyers research sentencing patterns under the model Work Health and Safety framework. It is designed to help lawyers identify an appropriate range of penalties in the context of various circumstances and factors, such as the type of incident, the duty holder, and the offence charged.
All the information and tools you need to understand the WHS legislative framework, curated and categorised for a clean and responsive search and browse experience.
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