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American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
- Editors:
- Martinez, Fernando J., MD
- Publisher:
- The American Thoracic Society
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 19.3 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
- 1073-449X
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Publishes high-quality original papers, reviews, and clinical trials in respiratory, critical care, and sleep medicine to foster advances in translational research and clinical practice.
The journal focuses on human biology and disease, as well as animal studies that contribute to the understanding of pathophysiology and treatment of diseases that affect the respiratory system and critically ill patients.
The journal focuses on human biology and disease, as well as animal studies that contribute to the understanding of pathophysiology and treatment of diseases that affect the respiratory system and critically ill patients.
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- The American Thoracic Society
- Product Type:
- Journal
- Author:
- Martinez, Fernando J., MD
- 1073-449X
- Specialty:
- Critical Care Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Pulmonary Medicine
- Language:
- English
- Update Frequency:
- Bi-Weekly (Fortnight)
- Coverage:
- Vol 136 (1) 1987 - Present
- Pdf Coverage:
- Vol 136 (1) 1987 - Present
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 19.3 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
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