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American Journal of the Medical Sciences, The
- Editors:
- Roman, Jesse, MD
- Publisher:
- Elsevier
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 2.3 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
- 0002-9629
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Founded in 1820, this is the 2nd oldest medical journal in the United States and the official journal of the Southern Society for Clinical Investigation (SSCI).
The AJMS publishes, on a monthly basis, peer-reviewed articles in the field of internal medicine and its subspecialties, which include:
Special features include:
The AJMS publishes, on a monthly basis, peer-reviewed articles in the field of internal medicine and its subspecialties, which include:
- Original clinical and basic science investigations
- Review articles
- Online images in the medical sciences
Special features include:
- Patient-Centered Focused Reviews
- History of Medicine
- The Science of Medical Education
- Platform:
- OvidSP
- Publisher:
- Elsevier
- Product Type:
- Journal
- Author:
- Roman, Jesse, MD
- 0002-9629
- Specialty:
- Internal Medicine
- Language:
- English
- Update Frequency:
- 12 Times a Year
- Coverage:
- Vol 311 #1 (1996) - Present
- Pdf Coverage:
- Vol 320 #2 (2000) - Present
- 2023 Journal Impact Factor:
- 2.3 (Journal Citation Report, Web of Science Group)
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