People working together in a business relationship
ComplianceFinanças09 dezembro, 2020

Boosting efficiency and reducing risk

A national lender for RV and marine direct purchase and refinancing loans in all 50 states and Puerto Rico had many challenges with their in-house filing solution. Learn how they overcame their many challenges. 

  • An in-house team that juggled the requirements of multiple jurisdictions and managed multiple vendors 
  • A workload that even at maximum staffing levels was difficult to keep up with, and especially so during peak volume times 
  • A paper-based filing process that was prone to errors, delays, and oversights

The lender realized that their approach was inefficient, increased risk, and wasn't scalable. They looked for a better way and found it with Lien Solutions. 

Download the case study to learn more. 


Vehicle titling

The expertise to make things easier
It’s the only tool you need to maintain loan perfection, monitor and manage vehicle liens efficiently, and release titles effortlessly.
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