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Do you own the 2022 LWW Doody's Core Title Collection? Upgrade to the 2023 version with this supplemental collection!
Doody’s Core Titles™ have been selected by academically-affiliated healthcare professionals and medical librarians, and are considered must-have resources for practitioners, researchers, and students.
A Core Title is a book that represents essential knowledge needed by professionals or students in a given discipline. Up to three librarians score each title on a score of 0-3 in five fundamental collection development criteria: authoritativeness of author and publisher; scope and coverage of the subject matter; quality of content (including timeliness); usefulness and purpose; and value of money. Scores are averaged to provide an overall score for each title. Doody’s Review Service™ is a leading source for expert, authoritative quality assessment and collection development tools for medical, nursing, and allied health books.
Doody’s Core Titles™ have been selected by academically-affiliated healthcare professionals and medical librarians, and are considered must-have resources for practitioners, researchers, and students.
A Core Title is a book that represents essential knowledge needed by professionals or students in a given discipline. Up to three librarians score each title on a score of 0-3 in five fundamental collection development criteria: authoritativeness of author and publisher; scope and coverage of the subject matter; quality of content (including timeliness); usefulness and purpose; and value of money. Scores are averaged to provide an overall score for each title. Doody’s Review Service™ is a leading source for expert, authoritative quality assessment and collection development tools for medical, nursing, and allied health books.
- Product Type:
- Collection
- Specialty:
- Multidisciplinary Subjects
- Language:
- English
- ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine, The
- Berek & Novak's Gynecology
- Bethesda Handbook of Clinical Oncology, The
- Cardiac Imaging: A Core Review
- Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Mechanical Support: Principles and Practice
- Comprehensive Textbook of Eyelid Disorders and Diseases
- Defining Excellence in Simulation Programs
- DeVita, Hellman & Rosenberg’s Cancer: Principles & Practice of Oncology
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography: Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Digital Echo Atlas, The: A Multimedia Reference
- Gastrointestinal Imaging: A Core Review
- Genital Dermatology Manual
- Handbook of Clinical Audiology
- Lippincott Nursing Procedures
- Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery: The Spine
- Master Techniques in Upper and Lower Airway Management
- Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery
- MD Anderson Surgical Oncology Manual, The
- Mills and Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology
- Neinstein's Adolescent and Young Adult Health Care
- Nutrition Essentials for Nursing Practice
- Only Neurology Book You'll Ever Need, The
- Operative Techniques in Surgery
- Ophthalmic Laser Handbook, The
- Orthopaedic Knowledge Update 14
- Ostergard’s Textbook of Urogynecology: Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery
- Paul's Fundamental Immunology
- Pediatric Chiropractic
- Pediatric Imaging: A Core Review
- Pocket Anesthesia
- Pocket Emergency Medicine
- Practical Approach to Transesophageal Echocardiography, A
- Preoperative Assessment and Management
- Sarrafian's Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle
- Surgical Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot and Ankle
- Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology
- Walls Manual of Emergency Airway Management
- Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, The